Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Hot~

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Oh boy...Yosh *DEEP BREATH* U can do dis


Law's POV groggy, like I just woke up from a thousand year old slumber, only my was aching badly, what on earth was I doing before? Why can't I seem to recall anything?


I groaned, as I opened my eyes my vision slowly started to come back to me, it was slow at first, but eventually all the blurry colors became outlined and my sight returned, with a groan I cautiously sat up in my bed, at first I couldn't even remember when I first came in until, suddenly everything came rushing back to me, my senses, my vision, and my memories.

My whole body went hot and I felt my insides start to flutter, 'OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT, HE-HE! HE!'

I placed my hands onto my face and hunched over having everything suddenly become clear to me, repeating the memory of earlier over and over in my head like a video stuck on a single scene, damn.

After a few more replays I finally became aware of my current surroundings, looking back to the vacant tank that illuminated the dark room.

I was sitting on the bed that I kept in my study in case I ever fell asleep while working here...and I had my legs back, I furrowed my brows at that fact, giving one of them a small flex in case they were rendered incapacitated from the change.

A sudden small crack went through my heart, not going without damaging it greatly, 'w-was that all a dream?' The possibility was great, for all I knew I could have worked myself until I dropped unconscious, it wasn't the first time, and as long as I had my wits about me I'm sure it wouldn't be the last.

I felt disappointment swell up inside my lungs, making it hard to breathe without feeling a soft ache, and here I thought the little mermaid actually felt the same as I did.


My attention was quickly brought to a loud crash and my breath hitched at the sight literally sprawled out, laying right before me.

It was Luffy-ya, with legs....and did I forget to mention he was wearing my clothes? Damn he looked good.

I went light headed as I felt a nosebleed trickle down my nose, he was wearing my yellow and black hoodie with one pair of my spotted jeans all rolled up to look like shorts, the clothes were clearly too big for his small body as they hung loosely to him barely keeping themselves on.

The crash clearly came from the stack of metal artifacts that I kept in here, which he clearly stumbled into as I saw them laying on the floor below him as a big mess.

My gaze finally went to his face and I saw him freeze, when I was about ask what the hell was happening, he suddenly bolted right towards the door to the halls.

'I can't let him leave' I thought, "ROOM" my giant dome appeared and covered the whole area, and just as it did, I threw a pen into the air from a practiced reflex, "SHAMBLES"

Then, I swiftly switched Luffy-ya with the pen, causing him to fall right into my lap, "OHFF" he landed with such a cute sound too, how adorable.

I smirked at him feeling a bit saddened, 'did he really try to leave me? So suddenly?' My smirk was replaced with a small frown as I skillfully immobilized him with my longer arms, trapping him there, "Luffy-ya where do you think you're going?"

I noticed how he flinched at the anger in my tone, I really didn't like the fact he just made a run for it, he was mine, all mine, no one else's, he wasn't going anywhere.

The mermaid gulped and softly spoke, "I-I..D-d-don't you h-hate m-m-me?"

My body went cold at the question, me!? Hate him!? I scowled even deeper at the ridiculous notion, and with all my willpower I tried to make my voice sound calm, but it still came out as death laced with a lethal poison.

"Where in the name of all blue did you come up with something so ridiculous?" I cursed myself when he shrunk back in fear, "Luffy-ya, I can assure you that I definitely, do not hate you"

I saw him look up at me with questionable eyes, "y-you don't?" I smirked down at him with an evil idea making it's way into my thoughts.

"No Luffy-ya, I don't, in fact, quite the opposite really" I suddenly captured his lips with my own forcing my tongue between those two perfect shocked lips, "MMN"

I heard him start to mewl into the kiss as I kept ravishing that wonderous tongue of his, his taste was so refine, quite unbelievable but true, it was as if he just drank gallons and gallons of a rare tea, it was quite delicious if I said so myself.

My lungs started to burn but I refused to part, he was just too intoxicating, too tempting, too pleasing.

I finally parted the kiss and inhaled a large amount of oxygen when my head starte to feel fluttery, the adorable prince below me was a hot mess, how grand.

His cheeks were so red now and his eyes looked so glazed, just like before.

I shivered with excitement at the thought of getting back at him for dominating me when I'm supposed to be the one running the show!

He's gonna be my adorable little uke-chan.

Licking my lips I started the trap, "Luffy-ya you're quite mean, dominating me like that earlier, you're supposed to be my uke-chan, should I have to help you recall every single detail?"

I loved it as he flushed at my words, "T-Torao, I'm so sorry about that I-I-" "now, I'm gonna have to teach you who rules in this relationship" The mermaid's eyes went wide and he gaped right at me, "r-relationship?"

I playfully sighed pretending to be somewhat disappointed in his answer, "fine then, if I have to do everything myself, Luffy-ya will you be my boyfriend? My lover? My significant other? My uke-chan? Or any other way you want to say it?"

He went limp in my arms and his face looked as if someone just offered him the entire world, "r-really!?"

That perfect smile of his plastered itself onto his features as tears startes to roll down his cheeks, "YAASSS!"

I don't know how, but the mysterious creature was able to break free from my grasp now wrapping me in his arms, over and over again he chanted the same word into my jacket, "yes, yes, yes"

Finally having enough of his little rambles I suprised him by tossing him right onto the queen sized bed.

Like a predator I pounced right onto him locking his gaze with mine, "now, I think it's time for some pay back shall we?" I cooed.

With a burning desire to dominate I ripped of the jacket showing off that amazing scarred chest of his and those amazing abs, I started to kiss his small frame as I mumbled, "revenge is a dish best served hot"


I regret nothing making this chapter (°~°)

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