A Mermaid On Board

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*Sighs* this story might be the end of me...


Luffy's POV

The world kept spinning and spinning around me making my vision look WAY weird and my head feel really light.

"Captain you might wanna see this!" I heard someone nearby shout, but I still couldn't understand anything right with how confused I was.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, my messed up brain and eyesight pulled itself together, after a few deep breaths I opened my eyes to see where I wound myself to this time.

The mood in the air changed when I noticed I was completely surrounded on all sides, and I noticed they were human when I saw their legs, 'crap...that's not good, I can't use my abilities in front of them'

Then I noticed the weird jolly roger of a smiley face, flapping in the wind on the top of the small metal pole in the center of the boat, 'double crap they're pirates'

I tried to calm down before jumping to crazy ideas, like Robin said I did when I got stressed or excited.

Yeah, just because they're pirates doesn't mean they're ACTUALLY gonna hurt me or something..right? What's the worst that could actually happen?

I looked around and saw how everyone was standing away from the weirdly dressed guy in the middle, assuming he's the..whatchacallit?..Oh yeah! The captain of this weird ship.

The longer I stared at him the more warm I felt.

His face looked so smooth and cool giving him a grown up setting, but I could tell he was younger than that, while his body looked so thin yet strong giving him a dangerous eel-like appearance, and his dark blue hair..it looked so fluffy~

After I realized he was also staring I tried to start a hopefully peaceful conversation, hope they speak my language, "umm....sorry for crashing onto your ship?"

Law's POV

After the mermaid's head stopped spinning a bit, I carefully examined a little closer at his body.

His hair was wild and pitch black like burnt coal, and his eyes were wide and curious blending in with the cocoa brown shade they were, almost like they belonged to a child's, his soaked tanned skin looked so smooth, almost like a woman's, that huge X shaped scar on his chest only further complemented his toned chest, around his neck was an old worn out straw hat that seemed to have told a long tale of it's own matching the little stitches under the boy's left eye.

But what really caught my attention was that world famous tail of his, the one sailors always talked about during their tall tales of sea adventures and magical beings.

It was bright firetruck red with wide, blotchy golden spots and stripes along the lower parts of it, similar to a cheetah's and a tiger's but a bit bigger, and instead of camouflage, it was only shimmering up the already exotic body part, I then heard a small innocent voice call directly to me.

"Umm....sorry for crashing onto your ship?"

I looked up and stared into the boy's eyes, mine widened a bit in suprise when I saw no fear whatsoever in his eyes, yet I knew he must have realized we were pirates by now, "you are not afraid of us?"

I didn't mean for the question to slip but it just did, damn.

He just dumbly blinked at me as if that was the stupidest thing he's heard all day, brave brat, "why would I be afraid of you?"

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