Luffy's First Island

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Ever since the whole, 'suprise party gone bad and then good again' incident, Law's been in a great mood.

It was as if someone sprinkled him with happy-go-lucky dust, he smirked a lot more, he wasn't as cranky in the morning as usual, and let's just say Luffy's been found walking weirdly on more than one occasion.

The captain was almost cheerfully strolling down the deck enjoying the bright blue sunny skies, and once he got to the front of the ship he inhaled a large amount of air before taking a deep breath out again.

Unoticed, a certain curious little ocean dweller snuck up to his side and stared at him for a good few minutes before deciding to let his presence be known.

"We'll be at the next island in two hours" Law, who wasn't aware of Luffy's presence was badly startled, "HOLY SHIT!"

Law's POV


I jumped into the air a bit and harshly glared at the other male, he fricking scared the ever living piss outta me! My glare intensified when I noticed he started to giggle!

"Luffy-ya" he must've noticed the warning in my tone as he swiftly calmed down, "*ahem* sorry about that Torao"

I sighed, suddenly I felt the need to have him in my reach so I tugged him into my chest and gave him a brief kiss on the forehead, "It's okay you silly little goofball" that heavenly giggle of his filled the atmosphere, "shishishi, you mean your silly little goofball"

That damned smile of his warmed my chest as I wrapped him up even tighter in my hold, "yeah, mine"

After a bit of comfortable silence realization hit me, "what island is it?" Luffy-ya looked up at me with a blank gaze, "Bepo said it was called the Sabaody Archipelago" I stiffened in remembrance of the title, "damn, that place?" I mumbled.

"What you know it?" I sighed and cuddled the small mermaid, "yes, it's a very dangerous place, and to make it worse, according to my information the other nine supernovas are going to be there as well"

I felt Luffy-ya fidget under my hold until his face was right infront of me, "well isn't that a good thing?"

I blinked and frowned at him, "how is that exactly a good thing?"

With a deep scowl, I felt bitter until he gave me another one of those sweet innocent smiles of his, I instantly felt it melting my cold exterior.

"Well then we could watch them, they're not as smart as you, so while they get into fights or something, you can stand by the sidelines and gather more information about them"

My jaw dropped, what he just said actually made PERFECT sense!

"How the fuck did you come up with that?" I hissed.

My lover than playfully wrapped his arms around my torso and started to nip at my ear, "well, I had a lot of time to watch, listen and learn" he purred into my ear.

I shivered at the tone in his voice and grinned as I made a room on the ship, "oh, you shouldn't have done that" I switched us with some random objects and we were instantly in my room.

Hell yes, time for some more fun~


Luffy's POV

Ow, ow, ow, DAMN!

Torao went really rough this time!

Maybe I shouldn't tease or trigger him anymore...NOPE SCREW THAT IDEA!

I sighed as I finally got to the table, "hey Luffy! Captain didn't go too rough on you this time did he?"

Yorokobi came out of nowhere with a knowing smirk on his face, I blushed at his words and looked down, "t-that's none o-of your business" though I tried to sound strong it was pointless, I could still feel the heat in my cheeks.

Normal POV

"Hahaha! Don't worry I just like seeing you squirm" Luffy pouted and looked away with his head laying on the table, "meanie"

Yorokobi laughed at the boy's expression, "you know? Sometimes it's hard to believe you're actually the ocean, I mean it's so cold and cruel yet you're so bubbly and childish"

Before Luffy could even say anything to defend his honor the cook continued, "oh ya, also we arrived at the archipelago so-"

He instantly stopped realizing the kid already zoomed out there at the words, 'we arrived', the cook sighed in mock exasperation.

"Ah love, what a crazy thing, making us even forget that we're crippled after a rough romantic romping!" at that very moment a familiar yelp echoed through the room, "AAIIEEE-OWWW!"

Yorokobi started to laugh uncontrollably as he fell onto the ground, "yassss! They are definitely my OTP!"

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