Friendship For Us

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Okay, 4 all those who liked reading the backround stories, I apologize 4 I am going to completely rush though it right now in this 1 chappie...thank U 4 listening.


Franky's POV

I was disappointed in myself, me and Ussop-bro have been by Luffy-bro's side for as long as I can remember, when I lost my dad after he got arrested by the human goverment for building the pirate king, Gold Roger's ship.

I was all alone and to make up for everything I did, I begun to clean up as much bad as I could.

Giving all the thugs and low lives of the cove a meaning, lives, something good to live for, fixing up all the problems in the thousand sunny cove wasn't easy but it kept me going as a kid.

That's when I met Luffy-bro with Usopp-bro, and they helped me forgive myself, even if it meant stealing my briefs, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

The point is...he gave ME a meaning, protecting that little ball of sunshine, and apparently Usopp-bro grew up with Luffy-bro for as long as he could remember after his mother's death as well.

But the person who truly knew Luffy-bro absolutely the longest...was Zoro-bro.

I turned to look at the mess he was, the fishman was crouching on the ground and was shaking, from rage or sorrow I couldn't tell, maybe both.

I cautiously tapped his shoulder getting no response "Zoro-bro, you okay in there?"

Zoro's POV

I could barely feel the tap on my shoulder as the unrecognizable distorted voice called out to me, I was too far gone, everything was a mess.


My breath quickened feeling panicked, thoughts swarmed through my head, what could have that despicable pirate done to him!?

Pain filled my chest imagining that monster touching him with his filthy, tainted hands, man handling his delicate frame with those brutish killing devices, who knows how many lives he's taken with them, or perhaps he messed with his mind using a diabolical devil fruit!

I shuddered at that possibility, they could be torturing him, driving him mad, CHANGING HIM!

The very thought was driving me mad! I WANTED MY OCEAN BACK!! I wAnt My oCEaN!

I needed Luffy by my side, he was the only thing that kept me alive, he kept me going, he kept me sane! Just like he always has.



I was nothing back in east blue.

Ever since I existed, I've been nothing important, both my parents walked out on me when I was born so I had to take care of myself from the get-go, I didn't mind being by myself but...I felt empty, what was I here for?

When I reached the age of five I indeed made a 'friend', her name was Kuina.

Me and her wanted to join the royal guard as the strongest generals and help protect the cove of thousand sunny and the royal family, I honestly never thought about doing that, but anyhing was good enough to keep me going, so I 'borrowed' Kuina's dream.

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