Being There For Us

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I'm already getting bored with these so I'm gonna pick up the pace a bit 4 these flashback chappies


Brook's POV

We were all upset.

Me and Ussop-san and Chopper-san, were depressed after we were forced off the pirate ship by Luffy-san.

We owe Luffy so much yet we couldn't even get him rescued by some simple human pirates, I'd cry my heart out, if I had one....yohohoho.

The three of us adored Luffy-san after what he did for us, and if it wasn't for him not only would we still be all alone, but we wouldn't even still be here!



Me and Chopper-san only had each other, Chopper-san was kicked out of his home by his own family after being born with antlers and blue nose, which was considered a freakish mutation.

Being from the north blue's shivering waters, nobody's ever heard of a micro artic kraken, and thus people here too have deemed him a vicious monster dispite his small size.

After being relentlessly chased and hunted he seeked refuge in a distant sea cavern.

This is where I come in, see I used to be a regular leviathan, and yes regular leviathans are not treated as monsters, in fact we were highly respected as the capital cove's best guardians, until that was, 'the great catastrophe' begun.

All us soldiers were sent to fight back against the devastating whirlpools and currents, as me and my group were heading towards a danger zone filled with such disasters, the violence struck, and it was an utter massacre.

We didn't stand a chance, in the end all of us were torn, bloodied and beaten.

My nakama and I only had one regret, we never said goodbye to Laboon, he was the most precious thing to us, a young whale who adored us and wanted to become a guardian of the cove himself.

He was our little joy.

As an act of desperation, we prayed to the moon rising high in the sky waves, we needed to just at least say one last thing for the little guy.

The ironic thing was, the moon actually answered!

I was given a second life, in exchange I had to wait twelve years before the resurrection was complete AND I had to give up my fellow guardian's souls to the abyss, the twelve years were so dark, so cold, so very lonely.

By the time I was finally, 'alive' again, I found myself only a heap of old dusty bones!

But the worst part was that I found out that last year was the great whale migration, so Laboon not only might not be coming back, but even if he was it could take years!

Ever since then, I hid away from all the people who called me monster, and waited for Laboon's return, in the same old cavern to be exact.

Now, back to the matter at hand.

"Oh, who are you small sir?" I was calmly sipping the tea I've been able to make over the years, "oh, I'm sorry I didn't know someone alread-AHHH SKELETON MONSTER!"

The small tentacled and horned creature leaped right next to a boulder and attempted to hide behind it, although I must say he did it quite terribly.

"No need to hide young sir, I don't bite" after a bit of uncomfortable silence he slowly backed away from the boulder, "y-you're not gonna eat me?" I shook my head, "no"


After me and Chopper-san got acquainted with one another we realized how much we had in common, "I must say Chopper-san, being rejected by everyone sounds quite awful"

The smaller creature shook his head and lightly frowned, "well I haven't been rejected by Usopp" I blinked, ah, so he did have a companion.


Chopper-san nodded his head, "yeah he's this cool sawshark fishman who was the first person who didn't chase me off, he's a bit cowardly and he lies a lot but he's also really reliable and brave!"

I felt confused, wasn't being cowardly and untrustworthy, and being reliable and brave two different things?

That's when Chopper-san's den den mushi begun to ring, "eh? Hello Usopp?"

The small kraken picked up the receiver, "AHH WHAT!? OKAY WE'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" he looked at me in a panicked daze, "Ussop's girlfriend Kaya is about to be assassinated! Come on!!"



One minute we were fighting some Kuro guy getting badly beaten kicked and the next, some random mermaid stepped in and defeated him for us!

"Uhhhh, sir why did you help us?" The boy then turned to me and I was able to define all his exact features, he had short midnight black hair with a thin yet muscled build giving him a somewhat lean edge, and his eyes were clear and bright almost giving the brown to them an other worldly look.

He giggled at me gesturing to Usopp, "my friend here needed me"

I looked down at the bloody and beaten mass known as Usopp-san and inwardly sighed knowing what I was going to do, "can we be friends too?" I was talking for both me and Chopper-san who was knocked out at the time "SURE!"

End of flashback


At the time little did I know those words would change my-no-our lives...for the better.


Sorry if this chapter felt rushed, but I'm tired as fuck and I'm already getting bored of these 'strawhat backround' chappies
(-_-) Zzzzzzz~

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