I Love You

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Here's some upcoming yaoi and absalote fluff 4 ya'll, please forgive me with this somewhat early chappie


Law was starting to get really worried, scratch that, the whole CREW was starting to get worried, ever since they woke up from their little nap on that sunny day, Luffy's been acting...different.

He was always super friendly but now he was kinda distant and hollow, almost like someone swooped down and took his joy away.

He barely spoke anymore unless someone else started the conversation, but worst of all...everytime someone would give him his food, he would only eat five plates, FIVE PLATES! NOT THIRTY TWO! JUST FREAKING FIVE!

He was barely eating! Yorokobi was in distress, the crew was relieved to be able to eat without any threats, but no one was truely happy knowing that the ravenous boy was starving out of it, after supper on the third day, Law finally had enough.


"We need to talk"

Luffy looked up and stared at the captain with a dull gaze, it killed Law so much on the inside to see him like this, the boy was now curled up in their room staring at the uneasy sea with it's rising waves, ever since Luffy closed himself off, the sea was growing more and more restless by the hour, no doubt also affected by the raven's mood, "Luffy-ya..is this because you want go back? Back to the sea?"

Luffy's heart froze as a mask of horror took place on his face, it looked as if someone just punched him in the gut, "NO!"

This was the first emotion the mermaid has shown and Law grimaced more at that fact, "Torao! Please don't throw me away! Please, please I need you"

Luffy rushed toward the taller male and clung onto him quite desperately, "L-Luffy-ya...what's gotten into you?"

The pirate had no idea what was going on, he thought Luffy might've been homesick but now clearly, that wasn't the case.

"Luffy-ya, you gotta tell me what's going on, you're..you're scaring me, it's frightening to think..I might be losing you" the boy took in a deep breath and nodded slowly, "Torao, I'm going to tell you what happened while you were asleep, okay?"

Law made a small smile and gently set Luffy down onto his swivel chair while he sat onto the nearby desk, "yes, I would like that very much"


By the end of Luffy's little flash back Law was seething! He was so enraged you could almost feel the anger warp around him, ALMOST.

Without breaking his master poker face Law continued to take deep breathes without alerting the other of his increasing rage, "Torao I feel so bad doing that to them, I feel like we should have talked it out"

Luffy was just about to cry again when Law quickly wrapped him into a tight hug, "no Luffy-ya, you did the right thing, if they really were your friends, they would have kept calm and tried to 'reason' with you, but instead they jumped into action without caring about how you might feel, you did the right thing doing what you did, you showed them how much you really wanted to stay here, and if they can't accept that...then they never were your friends"

Luffy had to admit, his words hurt a bit, but he also knew they were the undeniable truth.

"T-thanks Torao" Luffy whimpered into the captain's coat already feeling at peace once again, glancing outside, Law's expression softened seeing the dark crashing waves calm down into soft ripples, occasionally glistening as the clouds above slowly drifted apart.

After staying like that for a while, Luffy brought up the courage and decided to shatter the silence, "Torao, I love you so much, you're the best thing that's happened to me, I promise to keep you and everyone else safe from everything"

The pirate smiled as Luffy continued, "everyone see's you as someone mean, but to me you're a nice guy, and you're so fun to be around, you always cheer me up right away, you're not greedy cause you never ask for much, just my attention and me being there..and you're so smart and awesome, you always know what to do, and your plans are super cool, and you're so pretty too, your smooth skin, with your strong, hard body, and your shiny eyes, they look so cool like ice but so hot with a fire burning right through them, your lips are so soft and sweet like my favorite candy, your hair is so pretty I love getting lost petting it and-" Luffy froze once he realized that he was ranting on and on about him.

"Oh, sorry sorry, I was talking for so lon-" Law impatiently smashed their lips together forcing his way through the mermaid's lips, "MHHN!"

After hotly tasting and teasing every corner and crevice of the teen's mouth, he finally disconnected their lips forming a thin line of saliva in between, "Oh, Luffy-ya~ turning me on like that was a very, very bad idea~"

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