Reunited At Last

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ME: I guess u all know what this means? (•-•)

NORMAL READERS: They get back together? ○(•~•)○



ME: Ladies and gents chill the hell down (-_-:)


Law's POV

The pain was becoming overbearing now, and there was still no sight of Luffy-ya, he as still out of reach, somewhere far away and completely untouchable, I had to admit it was hard to still hope for a miracle.

I was almost at the point of losing my will to continue on...almost is the word.

Although the situation was grim for the both of us, I just knew he would be back soon, back into my arms, it was just a feeling deep inside of me that I just couldn't question.

"AGGHH!" I let out one more shout of pain as I felt everything around me grow fuzzy, frowning as black spots started to dance in my vision, mocking me, threatening me with taking my consciousness right here and now, taking in a shaky breath, I sagged against the railing of the ship in despair.

Each struggled breath I took was growing fainter than the last, my lungs were beginning to fail me, 'is this it? Is this the end of me? Of us? Luffy-ya?'

I was just about to admit defeat and let the darkness consume me, no doubt about to bring me where Luffy-ya would be waiting for me, when I heard a shout of hope.

"I SEE SOMETHING!!!" All noise on the deck went silent as I shot right out of my place on the ground, using all my remaining stamina to move and rocket myself to the edge of the railing where the shout was directed.

My eyes were as wide as saucers as I scanned the horizon, desprately chasing away those accursed black spots that hindered my vision, 'please be here, please be here' those words kept echoing through my head.

I just felt like crashing down again when finally something darted out of the ocean's depths, practically exploding from the water and hurling itself into the air.

My breath stopped and everything froze around me.

There he was, just like the day he first arrived here no doubt, uncontrollably hurdling through the air, right about to crash onto the ship's deck.

My eyes teared up as I viewed every single detail on that beautiful ruby tail of his even more so than before, it was still as gorgeous as I remembered.

Every fiber in my body painfully ached, I needed to touch him, I needed to hold him, I needed to embrace him, I just needed him by my side.

Luffy's POV

A sense of dejà-vu hit me as I crashed into a bunch of barrels and crates on the deck.

Then a familiar jolt of pain zoomed through my body, the feeling of bruises forming hit me but I ignored it as I eagerly took my human form and scoured the crew's blurry faces for him.

I finally made eye contact with those pretty silver eyes that only he possessed, and leaped right off the ground charging right at him like a bull.


I landed on his chest immediately smothering him in kisses making the entire crew freeze in their attempt to make a group hug with massive blushes.

But the two of us didn't care, I continued to show him love and affection as they all quickly fled the deck when I started to desperately shrug off his coat.

Well, almost all of them.

"YOROKOBI-YA!" I was startled out of my concentration as I whipped my head around, noticing the cook standing there with a shit eating grin and a mild nosebleed.

"Oh, don't mind me captain~" I was about to do just that and completely ignore him, but my mate seemed to have other plans.

"Wuu?" I made a small questioning sound as he lifted me up off the deck and carried me into the sub bridle style, blowing a raspberry at the cook when I heard him make a sound of disappointment.

Law's POV

I smiled down at my beloved mermaid, feeling all the pain fade away as I heard him taking in deep breaths of the sub's scent, our home, oh how I missed him~

Then I kicked open the door to my room with a grin waking him up from his subconscious state, "Law?"

A chill went down my spine when he said my name, 'no, control yourself Law, he just returned and must be absolutely exhausted' even if he did jump me earlier, which completely contradicted my thoughts.

Then, I gently sat him down on the bed and responded, "yes my lovely?"

I was suprised when he yanked me onto the bed and held onto me tight, "I missed you, I missed you...oh god I missed you so much"

I blinked as he started to ramble on with his teary face and smiled feeling complete with him by my side once again, "It's okay Luffy-ya, I'm here, nothing's gonna get between us ever again, I promise you that"

He beamed up at me and showed me that extraordinary breathtaking smile of his.

God I love his smile.

"Law, I love you so much" he kissed me roughly on the lips, damn! I was getting aroused.

"Luffy-ya, I really wouldn't do that if I were you, I've been away from you for far too long, so I won't hold back whatsoever if you continue to arouse me like this" he ignored my warning and kissed me again, but much more deeper this time.

"Law, please, I need your love~" he pleaded to me in the most sexual sounding voice I've ever heard.


I viciously bit into his soft neck and drew small amounts of blood, causing him to instantly cry out and sweetly wrap his arms around my neck like a rope of thick kelp.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you~"

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