Trust me

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So how many of you think I'm planning on turning Law into a mermaid!?............ *evil chuckles* heheheheheh *now maniacally laughing* AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!! We'll just hafta see.....we'll just hafta see indeed...


Law had no idea what he was thinking! Here he was, crouching right at the edge of the impressively sized aquarium, ready to just dive right in, just one little push or an accidental loss in balance could mean his doom.

But just when he was about to turn and walk away from this crazy idea, a certain red tail flicked up towards the surface.

"Whatcha waiting for? Come on in!"

The captain made the mistake of looking towards the new voice and lost all his strength of determination to move away, Luffy's wide childlike innocent eyes were practically glowing with excitement and his goofy smile seemed to be even wider than usual, the boy was simply radiant.


He couldn't bring himself to say no to that, but he couldn't say yes either, it was like a double sided sword kind of situation.

If he said 'no' he might as well shoot a hole through the boy's heart and call himself the cruelest man on earth, and lose all hope of revealing his feelings to him, not to mention this was a great opportunity to finally study him even closer.

But if he said 'yes' there goes everyhing he's worked hard to lose in himself, trust in others, friends to believe in, feelings that could sway or even destroy him, those words were never wanted in his vocabulary after the destruction of Flevance.

Being wanted my the world government as the one who stole the ope-ope no mi and as a survivor of the white town, if that kind of information leaked out he'd find himself in quite the kerfuffle, friends were too dangerous to have.

No, all he needed to do was drive everyone out and finally obtain Corazón's wish...alone.

But after meeting the boy, Law slowly found it harder and harder to resist feeling for him, he was a ray of sunshine that somehow sneakily snuck through his heart's defenses, if he dove in now then it would mean more to him than the boy would ever know, he himself, would be admitting that he trusted him.

The pirate's inner turmoil was brought to an end when a steady voice run out, "Torao, you can trust me you know"

Without a second thought, Law dove into the water, usually it would feel cold and heartless, but instead this time it felt warm and welcoming, Law couldn't help but feel a calming aura wrap around him like a smooth veil, they stray thought ran through his mind realizing he was going inside the same substance that Luffy claimed to have been.

That was until he started to quickly sink with his lungs quickly constricting in pain.

Law's POV


I was startled out of my inner howling when I felt two sturdy arms wrap around my waist, as I was gently being pulled up towards the surface, I carefully opened my eyes, in front of me was my little mermaid smiling right at me.

"Now Torao, this part is gonna be weird, but you gotta work with me here"

'Huh?' Before I could even fathom what he was up to, he closed the distance between us and pressed his lips to mine.

'W-WHAT THE!?' He was kissing me! On the lips! holy fuck!

I had no idea what was going on, but his lips felt so soft, when I was just about thinking of kissing back he separated from me, though, I didn't miss the feeling of disappointment that swelled up inside me when I lost the feel of his lips.


With a burst of enegy, I was just about to try to rush up to the surface to breathe and overall question what happened, until I noticed one very important detail I should have earlier, I WAS BREATHING!

I looked down and I felt my whole body freeze and go rigid at the sight, I HAD. A FUCKING. TAIL....A TAIL!

"Holy shit, holy shit..hoooly shit"

I grabbed onto my short hair and stared at the tail in panic and awe, inspecting it closely, I identified that it was a midnight blue tiger shark tail with a few of my tattoo patterns in fine gold on the fin at the end, kind of pleasing to me.

"Torao! Don't panic it's only temporary!"

I finally regained my attention onto the one person who got me into this mess in the first place.

With a small frown on my lips, I could tell he was struggling not to laugh his head off which made me kinda pissed, "Luffy-ya.."

Luffy's POV


I froze in my giggles and stiffened, 'uh oh..he sounds mad'

When I nervously looked up to see his face, the only thing I could see that his eyes were shadowed by his hair in an ominous way, "y-yeah, Torao?"

After hearing me, he suddenly softened up looking at me with a more gentle but still stern look, "care to explain what all THAT was?"

I remembered the kiss and flushed a bit, 'his lips felt really good' dispite my thoughts I decided to answer him right away, "sorry about that, a kiss is the only way to turn a human into a mermaid, I know it's kinda weird" I trailed off a bit still remembering those warm lips of his.

'SNAP OUT OF IT LUFFY!' I decided it best to change the topic, "so what do ya think Torao?"

Normal POV

Law looked down once again and stared long and intensely at the new appendage he was now sporting, all the while giving it an experimental wiggle and a few strong flaps.

"It is adequate, though I would have loved a warning too" the surgeon teased, "yeah...sorry about that" Law tried out moving his aquatic limb and quickly tested it out.


After a few laps around the kelp, all in all to Luffy, Law was a complete natural at swimming with a tail!

He was already able to do sudden dives and flexible quick turns which mermaids were only able to do once they reached the age of thirteen!

Law did thirteen years of an hour.

After a few more flips of trying to impress the boy, Law decided to finally get to what he was in here for in the first place, a chance to make one of his day dreams finally come true.

"Ah Luffy-ya!"

The prince grinned at Law, inwardly staring at his sharky skin shimmering in the light 'now that he's a mermaid, I kinda notice how hot he really is~' the mermaid thought.

When Law reached the mermaid, he noticed how the boy kept staring down, looking in that direction himself Law saw nothing but his tail.

The doctor decided to investigate the reason later and start his business, "Luffy-ya the reason I wanted to come in the first place was because now I have a chance to examine you closer"

The both of them inwardly blushed at how those words sounded but quickly shook it off, "okay Torao~" Luffy chimed

The surgeon felt alot of shame over come him knowing just exactly what he was going to have to do, "well..i-if you don't mind I'm going to...have to..look at your tail"



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