The Crew Finds Out

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It was a sunny day aboard the little yellow submarine this morning.

For almost three weeks now, they've had absolutely nothing to worry about, no blood lusty seakings have been chasing after their heads and there's been no sign of the marines for WEEKS, and best of all, NO STORMS!

Almost four times every week there'd usually be this huge typhoon or something forcing them all to either escape into the depth of the ocean for hours on end, or roughing it out on the surface against the mighty elements of the sea, tiring everyone out and almost causing a few crew mates to go into cardiac arrest.

But lately they've encountered nothing but soft waves and gentle sea breezes, they've only dreamed of something like this and now it was actually happening!

But ironically, this actually freaked them out to no end!

Never has the ocean treated the heart pirates with such care and love, it was almost to good to be true, too good to be real, it was so fantastic that several men actually started to lose their lunches over it.

Everytime they fished they always caught a plentiful of something good, delicious and nutritious, when usually they'd either catch wimpy amounts of pathetic sardines, or accidentally hook up a territorial seaking.

When they wanted to swim in the waters after a very tough day, the water was at just the right temperature and safe from any sharks or other dangerous sea creatures, so different since someone would always get hurt or bitten.

When they started to get too hot from working under the beating sun, a bit rougher of a wind would appear and cool them down, but not make them cold, the perfect breeze.


The nervous crew was now gathered in the mess hall, all huddled together at each of their tables, feeling just as nauseous as the other from the sickening fear developing inside them for days on end.

"I'm so scared to go outside" mumbled Penguin.

"I hear ya man, something's fishy going on and I don't think it's Bepo's breakfast" Sachi whimpered back.

"I'm sorry" a dark depressing aura surrounded the polar bear as he looked down in shame, not even picking at his plater of elephant tuna, "SO WEAK!" The duo shouted.

Usually the room would burst out in laughter at their antics, but now everyone was too nervous to do such a thing.


The double doors leading into the room flung open as a certain ray of sunshine burst into the mess hall, zooming at the speed of light, the boy practically flung himself towards the window to the kitchen, "MEEEEAAAAATTTT!"

There, already awaiting Luffy's arrival was the heart pirate's chef, Yorokobi. (A/N: U decide what he looks like)

"Heya Luffy what can I getcha today!? Bacon, ham or fish?" like his name suggests, he was a very bubbly and happy character who was always there for his friends, even when they don't want him to be..actually, especially when they don't want him to be.


The pirate's weakly giggled at his silliness, it didn't take very long for Luffy to capture their cold hearts and make them open up to him.

In fact they already assumed he melted their stoic captain's heart when he inwardly joined their motley crew, though they would immediately shut up whenever they tried to get him to admit it, receiving only a death glare that promised a painful death.

"Hey, I heard you guys mumbling when I came in, what's going on?"

Sitting down onto a high stool, Yorokobi passed Luffy a pile of meat placed on a plain glass plate and then disappeared into the kitchen, probably returning to his work.

"Well, have you noticed how calm the sea's been?"

Luffy blinked not expecting to hear a question like that, "yes?"

The boy felt a bit nervous, how was this conversation going to end? Sachi grimaced a bit making Luffy feel worse, "well...we just find it kinda unnerving how it suddenly seems to love us, it used to be so vicious, now it's all calm and stuff, it's..suspicious, everyone thinks it's a bad omen"

The group just stare at the boy, after waiting forever for a reaction it finally happened, "Hahahahahahahhahehehehe!"

Luffy lost his mind!

He started to laugh uncontrollably and rolled all around the floor, almost choking on his food as he continued on with his laugh attack.

Not knowing what was going on, Yorokobi returned and spoke without noticing his surroundings, "Luffy could you go give this to captain? He's probably not gonna show up to eat again"

Ceasing his laughter, Luffy zoomed up to the plate and dashed towards the door yelling as he scampered off, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GUYS ARE WORRIED ABOUT!? THE REASON I STOPPED ATTACKING YOU GUYS WITH MY WAVES IS BECAUSE WE'RE NAKAMA NOW! THOUGH, I GUESS BEING THE OCEAN HAS IT'S QUIRKS HUH!?"

He quickly darted down the hall before anyone could even flinch with his mesmerizing giggle echoing through the halls, "SHISHISHISHISHISHI!"










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