Freeing Me

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Nami's POV

I didn't bother to even move, I just layed there in the sand as the others just followed suit.

We failed and no one could even bring up the courage or strength to do or say anything.

Luffy was my angel believe it or not, sure he can make stupid decisions sometimes and can be a total dumbass, but he was still the source of our happiness.

I always thought I could be there for him like he was for me, but I guess I was just too weak to return the favor of setting me free.



I was trapped, no way out.

Ever since that mafia boss Arlong took over our village, nothing's been the same, the ever piling dept we owed him was just becoming too suffocating.

With mom gone, earning money was even more difficult.

The only way to earn enough money to repay our family's dept, was a sacrifice, I decided to join Arlong's gang as his navigator, cat burglar and mapper, though it wasn't that bad.

All I had to do was get a total of 1,000,000 beli, and our dept to him would be up and gone!

But that all changed, when HE arrived.


I looked outside the window of my small cramped apartment and blinked, near the entrance of the city parked out right in broad daylight was a royal clam car 2000, and in tip top condition may I add.

I scowled at the vehicle.

It was the noble's duty to protect us 'commoners' as their precious citizens, and for the obvious plus of looking good in society's eyes.

But all they did was stroll on through like everything was absolutely fine, they were too cowardly for their own fins, it was sickening.

Though, with that here, maybe there was some riches left behind I could swipe.

Grabbing on my favorite white t-shirt with two horizontal blue lines I swam out of the room at the speed of lightning.


I was so damn close, I could practically smell the cash in there, as I swiftly hid behind the line of sight I noticed on the lock that there were a few scratch marks indicating I wasn't the only one who tried to open this big fat juicy bank, but who cares!?

I'm the best lock picker around! No way was I gonna get stopped!

Two hours later~


It was maddening, like having an apple being dangled right in front of you after not eating for days, I banged my head onto the side and heard a heavenly sound 'click'

I paused for a moment before springing to life in excitement, FINALLY! I reached for the handle ever so slowly-

"Hey there!" SHIT, I screwed up, I turn around to face the suspiciously chipper voice and blinked, right in front of me was a cheery mermaid with average clothes....which indicated he WASN'T AN ANGRY NOBLE, THANK GOD.


He just blinked at me with a stupid look on his face, "whatcha doing?" I mentally face palmed, this concluded that this kid was an utter dumbass!

"What's it look like I'm doing!? I'm gonna rob this thing!"

The boy scowled at me, "why are you doing that?" I sighed, "I'm the cat burglar Nami! It's for money of course you idiot, with this I can finally pay off my dept to Arlong!" I turned away expecting him to leave when the voice continued, "Why do you need to steal?"

I froze and looked at him with a 'are-you-serious' face, "there's no jobs here, everyone's too poor! Arlong's taken all the town's resources, no one's gonna help we're all gonna die! You can't stand up to him or you'll get killed like my mom!"

I ended with a shout knowing full well that I just ranted but, who cares? WHO FUCKING CARES ANYMORE!?

As some tears slipped out of my eyes I noticed the boy's face darken, after a bit of silence he spoke in a colder tone, "where is Arlong?" 

Choking on my sobs, after a bit more sniffling I finally replied with a stutter, "A-Arlong park"

And after that he zoomed off like a rocket, I was so confused right now.

Who was that? And where did he swim off to?

Completely forgetting about the to-be robbed carriage, I swam off in the direction he went.


My eyes bugged out of my head as I was surrounded by other villagers with the same reaction, the whole building of Arlong park was DESTROYED!


Out of the debris I noticed some movement and stared at it intensely 'BAM!!'

With a huge bang a familiar mermaid sprung out of the remaints, "ahhh, that was close" I gaped at him as my sister swam up to him, "OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?"

He just smiled and giggled a bit, "well I heard what Arlong's been doing and I kicked his ass!"

Silence over took the area, the whole village even, my mouth went agape, "y-you fought Arlong...because of me?"

When the boy noticed me his smile grew, "there ya go Nami! I kicked his ass for you so you can be free now!"

Flashback over~


That was years ago, after setting me free I dedicated myself to protect and serve this saving grace of mine, though I didn't expect him to turn out to be THE ocean prince everyone's been talking about, nor did I expect us to become friends, though I didn't go against it.

I looked at the others in their defeated states, all with dull, lifeless eyes that I surely had as well, but I frowned, we weren't gonna give up, OH HELL NO!!

We were gonna get Luffy back, and do whatever we can to break that spell that human has over matter what.

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