Whisked Away

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Oh shit, I feel.....so dramatic and sad right now NO I feel like the devil BUT don't worry I always make sure to give my stories happy endings!

I fucking HATE angst and sad endings like when one of the lovers die or if they don't get together or something!!!


But for the sake of story line I kinda hafta make this chappie a bit sad and angsty  ○°(T^T)°○


Law was devastated.

Utterly and completely destroyed.

His whole world was falling apart.

And it was all their fault.



It was another sunny day, Luffy was calmly enjoying the sight of the sea with his mate by his side on the deck, both were in a rare state of tranquility, since usually one of them would be instigating the other just for the hell of it.

Until that's when the prince's mental alarm suddenly went off from out of nowhere.

Suprised by the sudden dangerous change in the atmosphere, Luffy bolted up and swished his head around, looking for anything that seemed to have been a threat, but it only succeeded in startling the male beside him.

"Luffy-ya what's wrong?" But before the mermaid could warn his lover, an explosion went off the side of the ship, causing nearly everyone on deck to lose their footing and topple over.


It all then just came too fast, Luffy's friends appearing from the ocean, popping up from the waters like daisies, knocking back anyone in their way and then when they finally reached his mermaid, he just couldn't take it, it just couldn't happen, "No! You can't take away my Luffy-ya!"

The group faced the captain filled with rage and disgust, almost frightening him, but not enough to stop him from reaching for his nodachi and taking a swing at the intruders.

"Save it ya shitty pirate!" The yellow fishman shouted, making Law curse as he almost easily kicked his sword away, causing it to stick right into the deck and stay there no matter how hard Law pulled, abandoning the weapon, the captain ran to Luffy, but just before Law could reach out to his struggling lover, just as quick as they came...

They vanished beneath the waves.

End of flashback~


Of course Law freaked when they took him.

He screamed, he shouted, and it took all the crew had to pin him down long enough to sedate the flailing man, hell, it took all of Bepo's strength even then to keep him from diving into the sea to try to futilely save his loved one.

The captain was now curled up in what used to be his shared bedroom, but no matter how hard he tried to find some comfort, the heat that Luffy left there was gone, and Law couldn't even find any trace of his scent on the sheets, and that scared him so badly he almost wanted to crash.

After almost an entire half hour of arguing and fighting, the crew has already deemed it impossible to find Luffy with how vast the ocean was, but Law refused to let go.

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