11. Let the battles start

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11. Let the battles start

Kyungsoo doesn't want to move, Jongin was trapping him against he bed with no softness, and even like that, it was better than having him away.

-I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you... but you drive me crazy...- Kai whispers near his ear- You know you drive me crazy, and its like you like to incite me- In that moment, as proving his theory, Kyungsoo claw on Jongin's back, that was between his lees, pressing himself rhythmically against his body. He couldn't stop it, even after the hard words said, their bodies felt attracted in a way, that they always end up in that way, as a faith that was impossible to avoid.

The red haired bites strongly Jongin's naked shoulder, the well known mixture of pain and pleasure was stronger than ever, and also difficult to control. Kai didn't stop stimulating as many ways as it was possible, licking, pushing, biting, touching, kissing. It was too much.

-Battles are not real, but they can hurt you- Jongin comments suddenly, sinking in again without prior notice, within Kyungsoo's body, who cried in a very exciting way.

-I'll be... careful- it was hard, but he was able to articulate those words before melting in short wailings.

-Take care and... please, fight with all you have against your opponents... even if its me.

-What do you mean, Jongin?

-Hurt me, injure me within the battle field. Remember each simple thing that bother you about me, each nasty word I've said, and get revenge, ok? No mercy- the blond guy asks, while he was still moving slowly and deeply inside him, again and again.

-Why? Why you say this?- Kyungsoo wants to know, even if he's more focused on not screaming.

-You'll never understand, Kyungsoo.

* *

Kyungsoo is sit with his group in one of the two sides of the room where the first battles will take place. He's really surprised. Kyungsoo thinks that the person who's behind this, must have a huge budget to indulge with something like that. He was afraid of being a toy, an experiment of some crazy man with no real purposes, just enjoying to see how they kill each other.

Jongin's glare on the other side, next to his own group disconcerted him a little bit. He was not completely used to this Jongin, but he knew that he was not able to change his heart, and he had no real changes of rejecting Jongin, because he needed him.

The blond male was frowning and, even if he was looking to his direction, he was not looking at him. The boy wonder what was disturbing him so much, and he was slow to notice that what Jongin was looking so hatefully at was Suho's hand. It was on his leg, just there naturally, while he was giving some explanations about the encounter.

Jongin was jealous, and that was the only explanation. And Kyungsoo understood, because he also hated when others touch Jongin confidently, specially Luhan, who was always touching and hugging him.

"99 vs. 94"

The screens on the walls announced the participants and how much time do they have before the first fight. Jongin didn't move, with his crossed arms, while he was trying to do who knows what to Suho's hand inside his mind, because it was now on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

And alarm rings and its the beginning. The battle starts with a freezing wind, that makes all the participants flinch, except Xiumin and Sehun that are the ones provoking it. The younger makes his opponent fly through the air, but he didn't expect that in the middle of that, Xiumin throwing little ice needles that made him loose control, and also hurt his pretty face, leaving small blood lines on his cheeks.

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