Chapter 35: Find your other half

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Find your other half

Antique Romans told in their mythology that human beings were originally created with two heads, four arms, and four legs. Jupiter, angry because of his increasing power and superiority, decided to divide them. Those halves were destined to find each other to be able to complement and be one single being again. That was the punishment for being, in some way, superior to their gods. And that is why they explained the constant need of humans of finding their true love, their other half.

Now, twelve halves were going to start their own research.

Dr. Lee was afraid when they started to wake up, he didn't want all of them waking up at the same time and discover his intentions, he also had the fear that some of them were not able to wake up. That is why he send all of them home, with the promise of a sudden recovery. They start to wake up, one by one.

Their physical appearance was exactly as when fell sleep, their look changes were a reference of how they would like to look in reality, in relation to hair color or clothes. That explained the exaggerated tones and styles.


The little hospital's waiting room was a mess. The small town had that only medical center to the entire population, and they were always needing more hands, because of the amount of patients everyday. Lay was one of the doctors that helped during 10 or 12 hours per day, it was so hard when he was far away, and then sick. Now, he was back, and things were getting better thanks to him, a Chinese doctor volunteering in a Korean hospital.

But there was a patient that was waiting for him, more anxious than the little kids that loved the foreigner. The man was wearing his white robe when he saw the next person waiting for him.

–What happened to you?– asks the doctor worried, that is when the expensive coat is taken away to show an arm. –Suho... you can't come to the hospital because of a scuff.

–Of course I can... IT HURTS!

–Obviously it hurts, I can see blood there.

–So, doctor... please do your job.– Suho demands in a bossy tone.

–Suho, I'm almost sure that your luxury office must have a first aid kit with cotton and alcohol. Do you really need to travel almost two hours to be treated such a superficial sore?

–My feelings are not superficial– he claims, emotionally hurt. The business man shows his arm again, in order to be cured.

–I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the scuff.– the doctor tries to justify himself, but he ends up taking the necessary to help him.

–I am talking about my feelings– Suho insists, trying to send clumsily a message.

–But the scuff is superficial. I think that everybody's feelings are important. – Lay continues while he puts some band aids to end his job.

–But I want to know what do you think about my feelings, Lay.

–I'm not Lay here, I'm Dr. Zhang. I would give you a prescription, but I don't thing there's something for a scuff. I just finished a surgery... and it's almost my sleeping time. I think that your feelings are honest, but I still don't understand the link with your scuff and your trip here. You need to organize better your ideas, if you want me to understand.

–Really? Oh my god, this is impossible– Suho can't believe what's going on, so he closes his eyes and puts on the expensive coat again. –This is going to be harder than I thought or even imagine.

–Actually it is not hard at all, it's very simple. You should wait for me to finish my job here, take advantage that I'm really tired and offer to drive me home. I'm not going to accept, but you're going to insist. So, finally I'm going to say yes, and I will be really surprised by your expensive car. When we arrive to my modest home, your are going to be surprised yourself because it is a small apartment even if I am a doctor. I'm going to explain that I don't make a lot of money, because most of my work is as a volunteer. So, I'm going to offer tea, and you'll be extremely surprised because I can really cook when I want to. And, if things go well, it's even possible that you stay the night.

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