Chapter 27: Trues

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Chanyeol is surprised when he realized that there's a body wrapped in many blankets on his bend, and he recognizes immediately who's the person. The black haired is sleeping soundly and the younger doesn't want to wake him up, so he starts doing other things in the meanwhile.

Baekhyun hardly opens his eyes, he felt sleep while crying and waiting for Chanyeol, so his head, nose and throat hurt. He looks at the giant sit, playing with something, but obviously bored. His head is laying on his hand, and he has a weird and adorable expression. Baekhyun sighs and sits down on the other's bed, calling his boyfriend's attention.

–Are you awaken?

–Chanyeol I... for a long time I tried to be someone else, but inside me nothing changed. A friend made me realize that I can't keep going this way, you know? Lying to others, believing my own lies. I was always running away from myself... but now, just in this moment, I want to take out that "self" that I being hiding to avoid begging you for another chance. The time I've been wasting and can't be recovered. I'm not going to say I don't regret being apart from you. My main goal in this horrible place is keep trying to be free, even if I fail several times, I have the strength to keep fighting.

–'re crying– the older's tears fall again, because of the cruel reality. It was hard, pretending to be strong was easier than being strong.

–Chanyeol, Jongin is right. We're closed in this prison by choice. That "people" has been more intelligent than us, because they know our emotional weaknesses. If we let the time keep passing by, we'll be trapped here without chances, completely alone. And that's my biggest fear in the world, Chanyeol, being alone.

–We're inseparable– the taller guy says, getting closer and sitting by his side on the bed.

–What are you talking about?– Baek wants to know and Chanyeol smiles widely.

–It's been a long time since I've seen the sun shines. It's been a long time since I've breath pure air. It's been a long time since I've run in real land. It's been a long time since the last time I've seen my loved ones. It's been a long time since this place started to change and attack us as a cancer. Time here almost flies. Even if we're apart, so far away from home... even if we are forced to get apart, and they try to make me forget you, that is not going to happen. I'll be there anyways to hug you everyday and every night, and you won't feel alone. You'll be always the owner of my heart, that's the strongest things of all, because even if my mind can't remember you, I will.– Chanyeol's words affect the hypersensitive boy, that covers his face with both hands.

–I've been so selfish, only thinking about myself... mercilessly quitting and rejecting your feelings. How I did it? I still don't understand where is the source of all that strength, and how could I change that much. While I was bad and distant, while I was setting you apart, you were there making me survive, because your love moved me.

–Baek... I'm curious. Why are you doing this? I mean, during all this time you've been hiding things from me, you've been setting me apart and now you want to recover the time you lost. Do you know something that the rest of us don't know? Is something bad going to happen?

–Chan... there's being a long time since I don't know more things that the rest of you... it's just... it's just that Kai told me...

–It is true, you called him Jongin and that was pretty weird.

–It's his name, isn't it?– the excuse of the black haired boy is terrible, so the taller just looks at him.

–You're all acting weird recently... are you sure there's nothing I should know?

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