Chapter 25: It's you

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It's you

Suho is one of the older in age. Usually, Kris and himself are used to behave as the leaders, but Kyungsoo's expression at the moment of asking for a meeting with the firm words of "We need to talk" gave the boy such an authority, that nobody dare to ask nothing when he was at the front, organizing his ideas.

–Thank you for being here– says the red haired when he noticed the tension everywhere, and the long silence.

–It's not like we can be doing anything else around. Kyungsoo, you asked all of us to be here, and you haven't said a word yet. – Jongin is not the most patient person in the world and the environment is stressing him.

–So, I'll get to the ping then. Tao, I need you to stop the time.

–What?– the alluded asks after such a request. What was the point if time was not was not normal there anyways.

–Do it, if you don't I won't be able to explain anything.

It took the boy some minutes of getting concentrated enough to fulfill his mission. The tension raised even more, and now some mumbles and comments were present in the place.

–Are you ok?– Kyungsoo asks, Tao answers simply with an affirmative nod.

–Last time, when Tao stopped the time, he did it within the entire labyrinth. I'm sure that nobody apart from the people next to Tao will be able to listen what I'm going to say now. In the last meeting we made a plan to get out of here, with all pro and cons, but it's probable that the ones who are controlling this already know our intentions. Well, today we are going to do it again, but only us will be able to know what's going to happen. Even if they know we have a secret meeting, they won't know what we said, what we decided, and how or when we'll do it.

–Pretty smart– Kris admits while caressing Tao's back as support.

–I've been thinking and we really need to go out of here. They have a real advantage among all of use here, an advantage that we gave them so easily.

–What do you mean by that?– Xiumin asks. He's not a man of too many words, but his questions are always accurate in the right moment.

–No matter who's controlling this, he or they have been taking advantage of our comfort.

–Comfort?– Suho inquires with suspect– What kind of comfort is having us locked here?

–Well, it's were aren't completely locked. We are free to move around. We have food, clothes, no responsibilities, and we can be with whoever we want. In our mind we have the idea of being "trapped" but there's not a real motivation to run away. If we were hungry, or cold, or in a constant darkness, or if we were exposed to different dangers we would made bigger efforts to get out of here as soon as possible. But we haven't, and we let the time keep passing by, because we actually don't want to leave.

–What are you talking about? Nobody wants to stay here!– Luhan exclaims.

–Nobody knows what's going to happen with our memories, our bodies or the rest of us... we may not even survive. Being here, to all of us, it's the only way of being closer to the person we love. Without this place, we can't be together.

A soft sobbing is the only thing that can be listened after Kyungsoo's words. They all know, or at least suspect about it, but nobody had the courage to say it out loud. Leaving that place was probably the end of their love and friendship relationships.

–What do you do to make your room dark? What do you do to avoid others to enter in your room? What to you do when you want to eat or have a shower? What you should do to get all of that?

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