22. Do you prefer to stay?

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22. Do you prefer to stay?

Baekhyun, Suho, and Kyungsoo were sit at the table, uneasily. It was possible to hear mumbles and soft-voice conversations. Only Kai is missing to be completed and start the conversation that was so hard to organize.

The change in their lives by imposing a roommate was not well received by any of the boys, and the situation was tense, specially in private. The main problem was, that all the complains end un in Baekhyun's ears, even if he had no blame or responsibility, or any possibility to make the captors know about them.

–When is your boy coming, uh? I'm starting to lose my patience– Baekhyun claims, because Kai is late. Suho looks impatient too, so he decided to interfere.

–Maybe you should go for him, D.O. As this is not an official meeting... there's no alarm that could force him to stand up and come here.

–Tell that useless slacker that he has twenty seconds to bring his lazy existence here, or I swear I'll leave him blind forever!– the black haired threats and Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, pissed off. Now he has to to bring Jongin and that secures him a fight.

–Why should I be the one who brings him here?– he wants to know, indignant, and everybody looks at him as if the question was out of place.

–You're the only person he listens to– Suho comments.

–If you don't bring that good for nothing... I'll hit you! Is that convincing you now?

Kyungsoo walks through the hallway, and he makes sure that is the one with and 88 and a 7. He hasn't talk with Luhan or Jongin lately, and he's worried about their coexistence. When he's there, he's not surprised when he sees the boy laying on his bed, with an arm on his face while he drums his fingers on his belly.

–We're waiting for you– Kyungsoo says, clearing his throat to call the blond's attention.

–I think you can have the meeting without me– Jongin answers immediately and that annoys the older.

–We need everybody to be there, if you are not there... you can complain if we take a decision and you disagree.

–So, I won't complain– he assures, he hasn't even move.

–Why are you acting this way, Jongin? What do you get?– Kyungsoo wants to know and crosses his arms, frowning.

–Peace, I get peace.

–Jongin– this time, Kyungsoo tries to be calm and even sweet– It's important for us that you come. You used to show at least some interest about this things. What's going on now? I guess it's uncomfortable because all the things that happen, but we all want to get out of here, aren't we?

–Actually... I think we're not.– the blond's answer surprises him.

–You don't want to go out of here?– the red haired questions, worried.

–I do, but I'm not sure about the rest of them. Whoever that is behind this... it doesn't matter if they are a hundred or two... they're lying to us, they're manipulating us, they keep us expecting. It's like a video game and we are addicts with a limitless number of levels.

–I... I don't understand– Kyungsoo admits.

–Think about it, it's the same as the fights... they made us wait, we prepared and almost become enemies between the groups... but when we join to fight and we intentionally tie, when they realized that it wasn't going to work for manipulating us, they stop it and made us forget everything. The same happened at the beginning, you came here with no memory about your past life... but when you get used to, you start to remember.

Monster: You're my lucky one (OT12) (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now