13. Pause

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13. Pause

The next day, after the competitions, the boys feel that their lives start to be as monotonous and boring as before. It was maddening, because there aren't news about the results, and at least ten of twelve wander around without finding something to entertain themselves. Usually, they use to practice or found something to do, they talked or tried to live as normal as possible, now they know there is no escape and the competitions are over, there was nothing interesting. Some of them noticed that the roofs didn't change and they keep the "Individual" with their specific numbers, not even the time was given as reference. Fear invaded them. What if it was a revenge of the people that control the place?

The environment was heavy and most of them preferred to stay in their rooms, as Tao did, who only ate when Kris forced him to do so, and he looked very tired. To kill some time, they try to practice with their abilities, but they seem a little bit limited, something that surprise them.

-Are we under some drug effect? I feel everything so unreal that sometimes I'm afraid of being cheated- says Baekhyun while he uses his leg to avoid Chanyeol, who is trying to hug him.

-Maybe they got bored of us and they'll leave us here forever- Xiumin whispers and he tries to accommodate himself in his sit, without succeeding.

-What if tiding was not a good idea?- asks Chen, but nobody answers.

The reason of this general decay is because Luhan is not awake yet, he hasn't since the end of the competitions. Lay can't find something wrong in his body, and insists that he's asleep, as a normal person. The problem is that he should have opened his eyes. Kyungsoo feels terrible. All the times that he tries to visit him, Sehun doesn't speak, sit in front of the blond boy that keeps his eyes closed.

-He's healthy. I can't find something that can affect him- explains Lay after checking him for the tenth time that day, as the brunette's special request.

-So, why he's not awake?- wants to know Sehun, getting angry and worried, but no one can give him an accurate answer.

-Kyungsoo woke up because I gave him heat.. he was freezing, and when I hugged him I warmed him up and he got immediately better.

Sehun did what he was told to, Luhan stopped to be cold, but he didn't woke up. The brunette had a marked, black eye bags and red eyes because of crying and lack of sleeping. Nobody was in the mood, everybody felt like if someone of the family was in danger, because after all this time together, they felt as a family.

* *

-Kyungsoo, you must eat. You also must stop blaming yourself about what happened. All of them were agree about it, it was the best option- Jongin puts the food closer to the red haired, but he refuses by nodding, and tries to sleep again.

Jongin insists for a while, but then he stands up, tired, and walks through the room with his hands inside his pockets. Kyungsoo looks at him and he has a weird feeling on his chest. The man has his messy blond hair, his make up and his clothes so different as he remembers, but he's not the stranger anymore to become slowly in his boyfriend again.

Even if he feels guilty, another ideas appear inside his head, more positive ideas like Jongin not refusing to accept that they're a couple.

-Thanks for staying with me- Kyungsoo says softly- I feel better in this way, if I'm honest.

Jongin is backwards, looking at the window that reflects a fake landscape, when the listens the other's words, and slowly turns around to look at him with a charming smile. Then, he walks to the bed and lies down over Kyungsoo with no warning, laughing himself because of the action.

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