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"London don't walk away from me!" Harry yelled as he tried to catch up to me.

I continued to walk not wanting to look back and see how far away he was or even how close he might be. Anger continued to course through my veins, I never imagined he would do this type of thing. I thought he was my best friend. Why would he lie to me and not expect to get caught? I pick up my speed not wanting him to catch up, I had hoped that something clicked in his mind that I didn't want to talk to him and I wanted to be left alone. But as he soon started to walk beside me I knew that he would never understand the concept of wanting to be left alone. Trying to get past him and not wanting to hear what possibly explanation that he might have I picked up the pace a little more but was soon brought back to where he was as he hand had a harsh, firm grip on my wrist.

I tried looking everywhere but him, knowing that as soon as I looked into his emerald eyes that I would be putty in his hands, that I would forgive him and believe every possible thing that he might say.


I looked at him, knowing that I didn't want to, I had to, I had to make him see the anger that I felt. This wasn't something that wasn't going to easily go away and he needed to understand that.

He sighed, "What is your problem today?"

I pulled my wrist from his now loose grip as I crossed my arms over my chest as I just stared at him. His eyes looked me up and down, the intensity they had moments ago had faded as they showed a sigh of pain.

"Please Lon talk to me.." He begged.

I couldn't leave him curious on what was bothering. I wasn't like him, I always told the truth and never lied to him. But at this point, I was a little lost on what he wanted me to say. Did he want me to apologize for running off or?

"Harry, what do you want me to say?" I questioned.

I watched as he ran his hand through his hair as his eyes diverted away from me.

"I just wanted to know why you stormed out like that?" He asked as his hand moved from hair to the back of his neck.

He continued to rub his neck as his eyes never met mine. He was nervous, maybe even worried. Well, he should be. I tried not thinking about why I walked out but it was plastered in my mind, and not at my request. It is hard to erase the image of your best friend making out with your mom. I mean it wasn't just a small kiss like she was pinned against the wall with her legs wrapped around him. As well as her hands were massively tangled into his hair. I am shocked I didn't vomit at the sight.

"Lon, please say something. Anything."

"You're literally asking me why I stormed out? Really?" He nodded. He was honestly dumber than I thought.

"Harry, how would you feel if you came home and found your best friend aggressively making out with your mom?"

I watched as a hint of humor washed over his face as his eyes looked back to me. "Well, you're my only best friend and I know you don't have a thing for girls let alone my mom. So there is a massive chance that it will never happen."

"Dammit Harry! You know what the hell I mean."

Anger had washed over me once more. He was testing me and it wasn't a good idea, was he ever taught not to poke an angry bear?

He could never handle serious moments, he always tries to make a joke of things or avoids the topic completely. Usually, his little tricks would work but this wasn't a small issue this was something big that could affect our friendship. This was a life changing thing and it needed to be taken seriously and not treated like a joke.

I looked for the humor that washed over him, but It was gone. There was no sign that it was even there. His face dropped as he looked at me astonished.

"Wow, you must be really pissed, I have never heard you cuss like that." He stated as he reached his hand out to touch my shoulder.

I soon swatted it away not wanting him to touch me as I knew where he hands had been minutes before. The only option I had was to storm away and head to where I intended to go in the beginning, my dad's. All I knew was that I needed to be alone to figure everything out, to figure out if there is a chance to fix the now damaged friendship. Do I want to be friends with someone that had possibly had sex with my mom? I cringe at the idea, I hope he hadn't, I hope there was nothing past kissing. But knowing Harry there was a massive chance that there was more. Whenever they're in a room together the sexual tension is so livid, it's hard to keep them together, I always swore that it was my mother. She had been throwing herself at him since he was 15. And when I say throwing herself I mean literally. She would trip and fall and know Harry he would catch her and she would talk about how strong he was and how she hasn't been in a strong man's arms for years. As her hand would rub up and down his arms.

"London, I'm sorry!" He yelled from behind me.

I decided to give him a chance to say more than 'I'm sorry'. I wanted him to explain himself and tell me why he decided to follow up on my mom's vocal and non-vocal requests. Why now? What changed his mind? But as I turn to look at him his eyes don't meet mine, he starts to softly kick at the ground. I guess that tells me everything I need to know.

"You know what, Fuck you Styles! Oh, wait my mom probably already has!"

I turn back in the direction I was facing as I walk faster, wanting to just crawl into my bed at my dad's and never come out.

His boots were heard as he tried keeping up with me. "London, she came to me! You know how your mom is." He shouted.

I stopped. "Harry.."

He hurried to stand in front of me as his hands cupped my face. Making sure my eyes looked into his and that I knew he was meaning every word that he was saying. "Lon, please, please forgive me. It was a thing that shouldn't have ever happened. And it will never happen again, I promise."

His eyes held sadness and a small light of hope. I wanted to forgive me, I knew that I had to. But just because I forgave and I always do doesn't mean that I will never forget. This day was the day that started everything, that lead to him drowning in lies as he pulled me down with him. I never imagined that my best friend would ruin my life, boy was I wrong.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now