Chapter 26 - The Fight

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Where the hell is Harry? It's been 7 hours since him as everyone left to go talk to Jordan. Liam left to take Hanna to the movies and then dinner. Normal couples do that but I can't do anything like with my boyfriend because if I guy looked at me the wrong way the whole night would be ruined. Maybe not now since his whole personality has changed. I like the new Harry more than the controlling, stubborn ass he was.

Telling Sam I would call her right when the boys got home she finally decided to leave. being in this big house by myself I can't help but get bored. I called my mother but no answer, finished all the work my professors sent me. Cleaning everyone's room I feel accomplished. Now sitting in the living room bored out of my mind while watching awkward.

"I'm definitely Team Matty" I mumble as I shove a handful of popcorn in my mouth.

Being startled by the front door opening and closing shut, I turn down the tv and lay the bowl of popcorn on the cushion beside me as I get up. The only thing that pops into my head is what if it's Dale?

"God dammit" I hear a familiar voice shout as a crashing sound is made. "Who puts a fucking table with a expensive ass vase by the damn door?"

"Harry?" I question as I walk towards the door.

He is hunched over trying to keep balance as he picks up the broken glass from the floor. Getting frustrated he stands back to his original height before stumbling back backing into the door.

I walk closer to him. "Are you drunk?"

"Maybe a little" he slurs as he kicks off his boots and throws his jacket in the ground.

He walks closer to me, catching a quick glance at his hands I see the faint color of red, blood, but whose? I grab his hand examining it. It's not from his knuckles, I let go of his hand and grab his face examining it carefully. It's not his.

He steps closer to me. "Shit!" he mutters before picking his foot off the ground.

I lead him over to the couch where I take out the little piece of vase that has penetrated his skin. He flinches slightly. Walking to grab a wet rag, I decided to call Sam to tell her Harry has came back but the others are no where to be seen. She says she will be over in a few. Heading back to where Harry is I look at his ruffled hair. He looks distracted about something.

I lightly dab the rag over his cut, hearing his deep in take as I continue. Finishing it up, I go and clean up the broken glass before someone else gets hurt. As I sweep it up the from door opens revealing Sam.

"What the hell happened here?" she questions.

"Harry broke the vase by the door" I mumble standing back to my feet.

She shakes her head, following me to the kitchen she continues to question me.

"So he's drunk?"

I nod my head. Remembering the time Harry would calling me late at night saying he was sorry after one of our many fights. His speech was slurred he would beg for me to say something anything to him. Seeing him now like this makes me wonder what happened. James called and told me Harry and Jordan's conversation went well but other than that he offered no more information.

Making my way back to the living room I see Harry eating popcorn and watching the previous show I was.

"Jenna is a bitch" he speaks out loud.

Laughing at his comment towards the tv show. Sam just stands there not amused at his actions. The sound of the door opening grabs all of our attentions. Keeping our eyes on the hallway that leads to the main door. I spot Niall's blonde hair, I breathe a sigh of relief. They walk closer to us, as Sam's land on Louis so runs up to him. His lip is busted and he has dried blood around his nose. Harry begins to laugh, glance over at him as his laugh because more uncontrollable.

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