Chapter 27 - Let the lessons begin

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Hearing soft snores come from Harry as he finally falls to sleep. I'm still hurt by his words last night but knowing about the state he was in just some how makes it not so bad. I know its no excuse but him just getting in a fight with Louis then some what calling me a bitch just some how makes me forgive him. He holds onto me tightly, the sun shines through the curtians as he rolls onto his back. I exam his body, so muscluar and tan. I look towards his face, i trace my fingers over his jaw line emireing it. He stires a little turning his head to the side. Then i notice it. A love bite, thats not from me. I gasp, who the hell gave him this and why would he let some one? I wiggle out of his hold not really wanting to be near him at the moment. Finally getting free i head down stairs.

"Hey you okay?" I hear Sam ask as i enter the kitchen.

I nod my head not trusting my voice. The image of a girl stradling Harry's lap as he lets her kiss his neck makes me shiver. This couldnt be happening not now anyways. We finally get together and he goes and does this kind of thing to me. Trying to erease the image out of my head i decide to make breakfest for everyone.

As i finish up the eggs i hear Louis walking in. He greets Sam and then gives me a little smile before taking a seat beside her at the counter. I lay out enough plates for everyone, not really in the mood to eat i decdide to go get ready for today. Not knowing if i can handle being around Harry all day. But i will try my best not to think about what i saw this morning, maybe he will tell me on his own instead of my asking him about it.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Louis asks takking a bite of his eggs.

"No im really not that hungry" i mutter before walking out of the kitchen.

I pass Niall and Zayn as i make my way up stairs. They give me a worried looks as i pass. I guess trying to keep my emotions on lock down hasn't worked well for me. I open the my bedroom door to see Harry. He is standing in the middle of the room pulling up his pants. As his back is to me I notice lines in his back. I walk closer, seeing as the are scratches from what I'm guessing is from the lady that gave him a hickey. I step closer wandering if they are as bad as they look. As I ease closer the floor beneath my feet creaks. Harry turns around in one swift movement.

"Fuck, don't do that" he says holding his hand to his chest.

A little smile creeps on my lips as I stare into his terrified facial expression. Stepping closer I glance towards his neck and notice the mark still there. I cringe. Examining his face I notice his hair is damp, which means he probably took a shower.

He walks closer to me, his bare chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. "Get dressed your lessons start today" he whispers in my ear.

I nod, still keeping my eyes on his new marked skin. He kiss my cheek before walking out of the room and down the stairs leaving me to myself and my awful thoughts. Walking into the bathroom, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Remembering that Liam and Niall are on my side with this thing and that after awhile everything will be better hopefully. Turing the shower on, I glance into the mirror. My brown hair is sticking up everywhere. My eyes still lightly puffy from crying myself to sleep last night. I know I over reacted with him telling me not to act like a bitch but it coming for his mouth towards me, I just couldn't help but too.

Stepping into the warm cascading water all my thoughts and doubts vanish, for now. Proceeding to wash my hair I remember the first time Harry came around me with a hickey.

"Harry what's that?" I ask pointing to his neck.

"I don't know what you are talking about" he mutters turning away from me.

I stay seated on my bed in front of Harry, this is are usual spot. Him coming over after school talking about how he hates everyone, but today was different he stayed silent as I talked about the girls behind me in English.

"Harry don't act stupid, is that what I think it is?"

"What so you think it is?" he asks raising a brow at me.

"You got a hickey!"

"Shhh, my mom is downstairs talking to your mom can you be quiet" he snaps covering my mouth with his hand.

He always behaved when his mother was around, but when she wasn't he was doing things she would never approve of.

"You going to calm down?" he asks me.

I nod my head.

"Good" he mutters before laying back on my bed.

He places his hands behind his had as he stares at the ceiling.

"Who gave it to you?" I ask as my curiosity gets the better of me.

"That I can't tell you"

A sly smirk spreads across his lips. I bet he is remembering every detail of how he got it.

"Whys that?" I push the subject wondering who got Harry the way I can only dream about.

"What's funny is I don't remember her name, but I think she was the second girl of the night or the third" he says with a chuckle.

"Stop playing games Harry, who was it?"

"Abby" he mutters.

Abby as in my only girl best friend? I grab the nearest pillow by me and I hit him in the face with it.

"What's that for? You wanted to know who" he snaps.

"But Abby really?" I fire back.

"Sorry, your mom wasn't available" he says with a chuckle.

"You are nasty!" I yell before hitting him again.

He pushes me down on the bed taking the pillow away from me as he hovers over me. I stare into his green eyes, wishing he would kiss me or I had enough guys to kiss him.

"How do you give someone a hickey?"

"Oh is curiosity killing you" he says with a smirk.

I nod.

"Let me show you." He simply says before leaning down being his lips to my neck.

London are you done?"

I jump at the sound of Harry's voice. I realize that I dozed out while washing my hair.

"Almost" i yell back.

After that day, I wished we were more than friends. My feeling grew so much for him that day but him and Abby got pretty serious. Not wanting to change anything that I had with them I kept my mouth shut. Finishing up I turned off the water and stepped out. Wrapping a towel around my body I step into my room, where Harry sits on the bed.

"I think towels should be banded."

*Harry's POV*

Staring at London as she yells at me to shut up before grabbing her clothes in her arms.

"You can change in her I don't mind." I mutter giving her a little smirk.

"It's good to see that the original Harry is back."

"It's good to be back" I state crossing my legs while I lean back on the bed.

She laughs at my remark before closing the bathroom door. I make sure the door is officially closed before rummaging through the bedside table drawers as I look for my notebook. Finally finding it, I grab the pen and open it to the last page I left off on.

Jermey, your brother that your mom has hid from you. Reminded me so much of you but being as Dale hired me to do is dirty work I had to some how get him to disappear more then he was. Killing his wasn't the best choice but knowing everything would have been blown if he told you what was going on would have out you into further danger. I couldn't let that happen.

Looking over the last paragraph I've written brings back the memories. That was possibly my hundredth kill or maybe more than that. I pay track after fifty. Hearing her blow dryer start up I decide to start to write. Possibly it's bad to do this but herring out of my head and onto paper makes me feel a little better. Scribbling down the events that happened with Sarah. Waking downstairs earlier was a mistake. Being questioned but the unknown hickey that's on. Niall gushing about London doing that to me and Sam whispering to Louis as he gives me the death stare. Flipping him the bird wasn't the best choice for the situation, but getting a chuckle out of him eased the tension. Liam discussing my love life when he has on his neck as well. Well at least his is from his girlfriend. Getting infuriated at their remarks I had to come back upstairs to see if London was ready. But seeing as she isn't just gives me time to write.

The noise of her blow dryer dies down. I finish up my sentence before placing the notebook back in the drawer. She comes out dressed in white skinny jeans and a floral top. Her hair straightened as it flows perfectly to her shoulders.


I nod before easing up off the bed grabbing her hand in mine. Ignoring the remarks from the others as i leave the house pulling London out the house with me. She doesn't say anything or even look at me as i open the passenger door for her to get in. She gets in, I watch as she keeps her head forward as I slam her door shut. She was talking to me earlier but now she is acting like I've done something to her.

Damn she saw the hickey. What am I going to her? Do I tell her what happened or who done it? I think she is getting tired of my excuses and problems. I open the driver side door, getting closing the door I start the car. Putting it into reverse I back out if the driveway. Lucky the shooting range is farther from so it gives me a chance to talk to her. Putting it into drive I start off down the road.

"Did you see it?" I question breaking the tension caused silence.


Is all she can say, usually she would blow up or even smack me across my face. But luck enough she just sits there looking out the window.

"Who done it?" she asks still not looking at me.

"London it doesn't matter who done it, it was a mistake okay."

"Why do it?"

"I was drunk-"

"That's no excuse Harry you knew what you were doing!" she snaps finally turning to face me.

"I knew what I was doing and I'm sorry, I should've done that but it is what it is." I state.

"I don't think this is g-going to work out, the thing b-between us" she beings is stutter.

I push my foot in the break stopping the car instantly. Pulling up the park brake.

"Don't say that!"

"It's true, I can't trust you" she spats.

"Yes you can" I fire back.

"You cheated on me Harry."

I notice tears laying on the rim of her eyes, ready to fall any minute.

"Lon don't do it, don't you dare cry. I can't handle it when you cry" I mutter.

"I can't help it" she says she wipes her eyes.

I unbuckle her seats belt and and slowly left her bringing her to sit on my lap. She lightly sobs as she lays her head on my chest. Im such a fuck up, and she knows it.

"It will never happen again" I mutter rubbing her back.

She turns around until she is straddling my lap. She moves closer to me, I feel her soft lips contact with the skin on my neck. She started leaving kisses down my neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Shut up Harry and let me do what I want to do" she mutters asks my neck as she proceeds to kiss and lightly nibble.

I hold back the moan that tries to escape my lips, shocked by her actions but please over her jealousy. Her assault continues for mir minutes before she starts to lightly suck. Trying to control my urge to do to her as I please I lean my head over to give her more access. Feeling her giggle against my neck does help with me trying to control myself. As she finally pulls away I see a smirk grow across her face as she looks at her recent achievement.

"My turn." I say with a sly smile as I lean in closer to her.

She jumps at the sound of the car horn. Her face turns blood red out of embarrassment. I chuckle at her attempt to get away from me. Helping her ease over the console back to the passenger side. When she is finally seated I help her buckle up before shifting the car out of park, and putting down the park break before continuing the drive to the range.

"Now I can really tell the guys about you have me a hickey."

"Harry" she scolds.

"Your lucky I didn't take you in the backseat and-"

"Harry" she yells, looking over at me I see her face turn a bright crimson red.

"Maybe some other time" I give her a little wink before laying my hand on her knee.


Finally making it to the range, I pull up to the nearest parking spot. Turning off the car I get out and walk over to London's side. Helping her out, I grab her in my before closing the car door an walking up to the door of the building.

"Styles" I hear Cory as I walk in.

"Cory, how's everything going?"

"Good good, haven't seen you in awhile last time Louis was here he told me that your were visiting a girl in the hospital" he says looking at me.

"Yeah this is her, London, my girlfriend" I monition to her.

She looks frightened, as I see her eyes scan around the area and light gun sounds are made, which is coming from the back.

"Dale doesn't know what he's in for this time does he" Cory states with a chuckle.

"He will be surprised."

Dale is the least of your worries.

That weirdos words play over in my head. Should I believe everything he's told me? I push the thought in the back of my head, possibly I'll worry about that later but right now I have to teach London a thing or two about guns.

"Private area?" Cory questions.

I nod.

Pulling on London's hand I drag her towards the little room in the back. Opening the door I spot my usual spot. Handing her earmuffs. She slips them over her ears, she stands watching me as I grab the gun case from my secret spot. Holding the familiar weapon in my hands memories all come back. Walking towards her, I grab her hand placing it lightly in it. She exams it before shaking her head. I turn her around to the direction we will be shooting. Grabbing her other hand tightly grasping it in both. Stretching her arms out, holding her hands in mine. I position one of her fingers on the trigger. Placing mine over it I hold the gun aiming towards the target. Lightly pulling the trigger the gun fires.

After teaching her the first time she got it, watching her shoot on her own makes me smile. She seems so happy afterwards. Paying Cory I head out with London right behind me.

"I can't believe I actually shot a gun" she squeals as she gets in the passenger side.

"I'm very proud of you baby" I mutter as I lean in pecking her on the lips.

"Well I do have an awesome teacher."

She grabs the nape of my neck bring my lips to hers. Her lips feel perfect against mine. I pull away before the kiss could get out of hand. Her smiles seems to grow as we head home. Keeping my hand place on her knee, I squeeze lightly keeping her attention focused on me.

"I love you, London."

"I love you, Harry."

Pulling into the driveway I notice Sarah's car parked beside Sam's and Hanna's. I swallow the lump in my throat before opening the car door. Helping London out, we head towards the house. Opening the door I hear voices coming from the living room. The voices lower as I close the front door. Walking down the hall I see Niall, he looks pissed. Before I can say anything his fist makes contact with my jaw. I fall to the floor, in shock but remembering probably why he did it.

"You piece of shit" he yells. Everything is a blur as his fist make contact with my face over and over again.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now