Chapter 32 - The Final Battle

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*Harry's POV*

There it is the building where the prick has been hiding all a long. I watch as Dan gets in his car and spreads off down the road. This is our moment, our time. Pulling up to the building I park the car and shut it off.

"Everyone knows the plan?" I ask one last time.

They all nod their heads before getting out. London walks beside me as Niall and I wait for Sam's Car. As she pulls up behind mine, Zayn and Liam steps out. Louis gets out and waves to Sam as she leaves to park down the road. Looking at this building brings back memories of coming here with Dale, and telling everyone that I went on vacation but really I went to training. Flying here with him was difficult but being here made it all better. I open the front door of the building slowly, making sure no one is around.

As I ease in I signal everyone to follow me. Seeing as nothing has changed to this place.

"Here to end it?"

A voice rings through. I look ahead and notice a figure walking closer to us. Shocked at the appearance of Dale but more shocked at who follows behind him. He signals Josh, and Beau to one side as Chris and Colton take the other. Being surrounded by his gang isn't as bad as I once believed. London grips my arm tightly as she looks around.

The sound of a gun falling to the ground makes me turn around. As Chris falls to the ground. Louis stands proudly holding the gun firmly in his hands.

"Go!" he yells.

I glance back around to find Dale gone, the sound of his footsteps lead me to think he is trying to hide.

"Go, Harry end this shit now. GO!" Louis yells again.

Gripping London's hand I pull her with me as I run after Dale. Hearing faint voices come from the room at the end of the hallway I slowly walk toward it. The sound of a gun shot makes London clutch my hand tighter. Approaching the room I see two figures. One seems to be sitting in a chair as the other bends down in front of them. The smell that erupts from the room is awful. Smells of rotting of some sort. Looking for the light switch, luckily finding I flip it on. My attention lands on Carla's body lumpily tied to a chair.

"Look Carla it's you fuck buddy Harry and are daughter London" Dale speaks as he caress her face.

This man is sick in the head, keeping her body tied to a chair is just ridiculous.

"Did you have fun?" he asks looking at me as he walks behind the chair.

"Fun? What the hell are you talking about?" I snap.

"Killing Jamie, did you have as much fun as I did killing Carla?" he questions.

Quickly reaching for my gun that was in my pocket. I look beside me to see London holding it in her hands as she points it towards her father.

"You a sick bastard" she yells.

"You are just like your mother, feisty and enraged by little things" he calmly says as he steps back a little bit.

"Don't mention her!"

"Why not? She's right here" he shouts gesturing to her body.

The little blood stains that's on her top and the bruises on her neck puts a story together of how he took the life from her. London's eyes drift to her mother's body before focussing back on the piece of shit in front of her.

"She loved you" he whispers.

"Sure her hitting me prove she loved me, her talking shit to me proved she loved me!"

Carla hit her? How many times?

"Wait she hit you?" Dale questions.

"Why do you care?"

"Your my daughter" he shouts.

"Your nothing to be but a prick" she yells back at him.

The hurt that lies in his eyes as she speaks those words. His fav drops as he throws his hands in the air.

Is he giving up?

"All I wanted was for you to love me" he states.

"I will never love you, never."

"I guess I deserve that" he closes his eyes as he sighs.

I watch as Lon grasps the gun tighter in her hands.

"Have fun rotting in hell where your ass belongs" is the last thing London says before focussing the gun and pulling the trigger.

I watch as Dale stumbles back gripping his chest before he falls to the floor. The sounds of his gasping for ear fills the room. I keep my eyes focused on him until I notice her body turn towards me. The gun still tightly grasped in her hands as she steps toward me.

"What are you doing?"

"Ending this" she utters before stepping closer to me.

"It's already over, you can put the gun down now" I say trying to reassure her.

"What I'm talking about isn't" she snaps.

Killing Dale was the whole plan to everything, or did her plan consist of something else?

Backing up I feel someone grip my arm as the shoves me to the floor. My head hits the floor with a thud. As he walks to her side his blonde hairs seeks into view. He laughs as he looks down at me, I continue backing up trying to get away as I could. Still not understanding why she is doing this. I notice another figure walking towards us, it's Zayn. I watch as he tackles Niall to the floor leaving London standing alone. Heading back to the main room we were in earlier I see Liam tied up on the other side of the room as Louis glares at him.

"Why are you doing this?" I question.

My heart aches at the sight of this, the sight of everything. My head begins to pound, knowing I hit my he's pretty hard as I was thrown to the ground by Niall.

"This is your fault" she states gesturing around to everything. "You had to ruin my life, I wish I never met you!"

"You don't mean that" I snap.

I know she loves me, she has too.

"Fuck I do! You ruined everything for me, I wish just wish that I would have been killed when I was shock then waste another minute with you!"

Her words cut deep, but I know there is something behind this something more than what she is saying. This isn't the London that I met or fell in love with this is something that has changed in her. She holds the gun directly at me. The room gets fuzzy, not being able to understand what's going on.

"Lies will be the death of you!" those were the last words I heard as the next sound was a gun shot and the room soon goes black.

(Author's note)

Hey guys that's it for "Lies" I hope you guys enjoyed it. I was thinking about writing a sequel but I'm not for sure at the moment. Thanks again for all the reads, votes and comments. This was my first Harry Fan Fiction and I'm pretty proud of it. Thanks again for everything and I would love to hear what you guys think happened and your opinion on a sequel.



Megan x

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