Chapter 4 - The Nightmare

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I invited Harry inside to watch some movies. I felt better knowing that the only thing he has ever lied to me about. As we took a seat on the couch I turned in the TV. The words NEWS FLASH, crossed the screen. I decided to turn it onto the news to see what the big fuss was. 

As reports indicate that the body of Josh Stone was found this evening. There is no clue who has done this but investigators are hard at work trying to figure what happened. Breaking news we have a witness, sending it to Sara Sharp. 

"Yes, Lindsey. It's true we have a witness here to discuss what she saw." 

"Ma'am, what happened?" 

"Well, I was inside my house when I heard yelling and screaming. So I rushed outside and saw a tall, slim man with curls holding down a man with a gun held to the guys head." 

"So cops are now looking for this suspect, and if we get anymore-"

"Harry? why did you turn the TV off?" I question. 

"You don't need the news worrying you Lon." he says looking at me. 

Something is off with him, but I'm not going to push anything at the moment. He grabs my head and pulls me off the couch towards my room. 

"Let's just sleep ok?" he says, he pulls his shirt over his head before grabbing my hand again and walking me towards the bed. 

I crawl in then he crawls in right behind me. He puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. 

"Night Lon." 

I soon drift off, In deep sleep.

"Harry what are you doing?"

"Leave London!" 

"No! I'm not leaving you here" I can't help but cry. 

Seeing Harry standing over a limp body with a gun grasped firmly in his hands. 

"London he will be after you if you don't leave NOW!" he shouts. 

"I can't leave Harry, not without you" I whisper as I walk closer to him. 

"I told you Harry if she ever found out" I hear a dark voice say. 

"Dale don't" he shouts. "I'm trying to get her to leave."

"Harry, Harry, Harry it's to late now!" I can sense the smirk in his voice. 

Before I can do anything I feel a sharp pain in my chest and the room soon goes black. 

"Dale, you promised if I did what you wanted you never let anything happen to her!" I hear Harry yell.

Everything goes black.

I wake up in a jolt, what the hell was all that about? I look around and see the same familiar room. I breath a sigh if relief. Leaning back in the bed I notice Harry curled up beside me, I wonder why I didn't wake him. As soon as I get comfortable again he raps his around me pulling me tightly against his chest. 

The Morning light shines brightly into my room. I open my eyes and notice Harry is no longer beside me. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" oh gosh Dad! 

I rush out of my room and find my dad yelling at Harry. 

"Dad, I invited him in. It was to late for him to drive home so he stayed here." I explain. 

Dad looks at me then Harry. "you better be happy you are my daughters best friend!" he says before walking of into the kitchen. 

"Your dad still doesn't like me" he says with a chuckle. 

"Well ever since you broke his championship football trophy when you were 10, he seems to grow more and more hatred towards you" I say giggling. 

"Hey, That was an accident" he says defensively. 

"Sure, you trying to be a football star didn't exceed well" I say smiling at him. 

"And even back then you defends me."

"Always will" I whisper. 

He grabs me pulling me into a tight hug. But the hug was short from Claire running down the steps and latching onto Harry's leg. 

"Hey girlie" he chuckles as he picks her up. 

"I told London to call you yesterday but she wouldn't" he pouts. 

"Oh really?" he questions. 

"Yes, but he is hear now" I say rolling my eyes. 

"Harry, let me show you my new clothes" Claire beams as she wiggles from Harry's grip. She grabs his hand and pulls him towards her room. 

I couldn't help but laugh, at his facial expression as she pulls him. I head back to my room and decide to get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and my The Neighborhood shirt. After getting dressed I decide to look up what happened yesterday. I found an article going in further discussion of the killing of John Stone. 

Witnesses say that the person that killed John Stone was slim, and had curly hair. Also he was wearing all black. No one else has came coward with other information. At the science investigators found a piece of paper that said "Hx John stone has disobeyed my wishes and it's your job to get rid of him. Don't disappoint me! -Dx" No one knows who this Hx person is. 

Wow, this is kinda terrifying. I wonder if Harry might have an idea on who these Hx and Dx are. I walk out if my room to find the house empty. 




No one answers, they probably went out some where. I look out the window to see dad's car gone but Harry's still parked out front. Where is he? 

"No, don't call Carla." Harry? 

"Yes, I will be over at 7. and I know it's big news time I'll be careful........yes I want to protect her......why do you always ask why?......because I love her.......fine I'll leave now!"

Who is he talking too? and Why did they want to call my mom? who does he love and want to protect? 

"Harry" I call.

"Hold on London I'll be down in a few" he yells from upstairs. 

Within seconds he rushes down the stairs. 

"Hey I got to go but I be by later to take to to class okay?" he says. 

"Okay" I saying smiling.

"I know you were reading the news article, and don't stress anything Lon. I would never let anything hurt you" and with that he left.

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