Chapter 17 - Reality

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"Babe wake up" Harry's sweet voice rings through my ears.

I open my eyes to see him looking at me, I rub the sleep from my eyes as I set up in my seat.

"Did we land?" I ask.

"Yes" he says with a little chuckle before stretching out his hand for me.

I grab it as he pulls me to my feet, he intertwined our fingers as we walk off the plane. Seeing all the guys standing talking and laughing brings a smile to my face.

"Hey, you sleep well?" Niall asks as me and Harry make are way to them.

"Yes I did, thank you" I say giving him a little smile.

He smiles back at me before looking towards Harry. Harry's hand tightens around mine as he glares at Niall.

"I thought you could never be that stupid" she snaps.

He let's go of my hand as he walks closer to Niall.

"H-Harry what are you talking about?" Niall stutters.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about."

Louis grabs my shoulders pulling me back away from Harry and Niall.

"I don't know" Niall tries to defend himself.

"You like London, my London" Harry yells.

Niall likes me?

"Harry, I tried not to. I know she is yours I'm sorry" he tries to apologize.

I get out of Louis hold, as I make my way to them I notice Harry has Niall pinned against the wall.

"Harry leave him alone!" I yell.

He looks at Niall then back to me, seeing him get this angry over a little crush is bullshit.

"He's going to take you away from me" he says through gritted teeth.

"No one is going to take me away from you! Now let him go!"

He let's Niall go, I give him a little smile before he walks over towards the others. I look at Harry as he leans against the wall.

"You have no right yelling at Niall or anyone at that matter" I snap.

"I don't. Really London? I'm being tracked and hunted by a guy who wants to kill me and you!" he shouts.

"Harry you're making this a bigger deal then it is" I simply say.

"You don't understand do you?" he asks looking at me with pure anger in his beautiful green eyes.

I shake my head not knowing what to say at this moment.

"Yeah, we're going to go outside" Louis says before walking off with the others.

"London he wants you to suffer so I can feel the pain he has. London he will get his damn way if we don't do something, I have the stress if keeping you safe as well as the others but you wouldn't fucking listen to me!" he shouts.


"Harry your not the only one with stress" I speak up.

"Oh really?" he says with a chuckle.

"Walking around acting like everything fine between you and your best friend who has kept secrets from you for years along with murdering my father! You're not the only one with fucking stress and worry, I'm terrified that you might turn on me" I mutter.

He stays silent as he looks at me, knowing that I just said what I've been thinking since I found out he killed my father.

"London, I-I would never hurt you" he whispers.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now