Chapter 5 - Punishment

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*Harry's POV*

I walk out of London dad's house worried that she might put the dots together and know that I'm not who she thinks I am. Why the hell did I even get into this mess? 

- Flashback - 

"London why are you crying?" I ask worried. 

She says nothing as she clutches her legs tighter to her chest.

"Lon please" I plead, I try my best to hold back my tears. 


"He what?" I asked. 

"He raped me" she begins to sobs. 

That fucker, how the hell could he do this? I told London there was something about that boy I didn't like. 

"He will pay" I whisper to her as I pick her up in my arms. 

She snuggles up closer to me as she cries. I want to strangle the fuck out of him. I don't know why the hell she even dated an older guy, your fucking 14 for god sake. I lay her down on her bed as i cover up. 

"Harry, please don't leave" she begs, I look at her and see the pain he has caused and can't help but feel like he needs to pay. 

"I'll be back" I whisper before closing the door behind me. 

I pull out my phone and decide to call Louis since is the only one that hangs out with James. 


"Where is James?" I demand. 


"Louis, I don't have time for games. Where is James?" 

"He is at the park with Robert why?" he questions. 

"Thanks bye." And with that I hung up. 

I rushed to the park that was close to London's house. I spotted his crimson hair anywhere. As I approached him I could here his conversation with his little group. 

"Yeah, she was hot! She was crying and everything but let's just say I finally got what I wanted" he says with a little chuckle. 

"You fucker!" I shout. 

He turns to look at me, his eyes wide. he starts to run but one of his buddies stopped him in his tracks. James looks back at me and then to the guy holding him. A little smirk grows across his face. 

"Harry, I knew you would come here" a dark voice says.

"I didn't come here for to play games!" I say through gritted teeth. 

"Well let's make a deal, shall we?" the one holding James, turns and looks at me. "I'm Dale."

I listen to him explain everything he says. He seems a little crazy but the idea that if i do what he wants then London will be safe. 

"So if I do what you want then she will be safe, no one to hurt her anymore or anything?" I question looking over to James. 

"Yes, but you have to do exactly as I say, or let's just say you will never see her again!" 

I nod, not caring what I have to do. As long as London is safe. He also adds that I have to go find more people for his gang you could say. The only people I could thank of was Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam. 

"But what about this fucker?" I ask pointing a finger to James. 

"Since you agreed to the terms then he is all yours, also you have to check in with Carla" Carla? 

"You mean London's mom?" I ask confused. 

"Yeah she is the one who helped with the idea to get you here, and let's just say she knows a few things if you know what I mean" he gives me a little smirk before signaling the other three guys to leave. 

- End of Flashback - 

All I have to remember is this is for London and her safety. I shake all the memories of her nightmares of James and they way she never left her room. I don't remember what happened to him after he got his ass kicked but let's just say he wouldn't show his face around her. I grab my vibrating phone to see a text from London. 

*Don't forget you are my ride to class!* 

I laugh, remembering the last time I forgot. But I made a promise not forget anything like that ever again. Thinking London texted me again but my phone just flashed Dale's name. Fuck he must want me to do something. 


"You almost got caught, and I don't need the cops on my ass Styles. It's time for your punishment!" 

*London's POV*

Harry never texted back, but its ok i understand he has something to do. I decide to text him and tell him not to worry about taking me to class dad has to go that way anyways. He doesnt reply, i feel upset that he might be ignoring me. 

"London, come on or you are going to be late for class"

The whole class went by fast, faster then usual. I decide to stay after class to help the teacher Mrs. Festers with picking up around the room. I wave to her as I walk out of the room. I check my phone to see if I have any messages from but nothing. I make my way out of the building and head to a bench to wait for Harry. 

"Did you like those pictures I sent?" I turn to see James standing beside me. 

"You sent those?" I question. 

"Yes, and don't worry there is more to come." 

"James, why are you doing this?" I ask. 

I know I should be asking him why did he rape me but that's the past and I don't want to remember anything from that.

"Because that bitch needs to pay for what he did to me and -" he stops mid sentence, I notice Harry's car coming. 

I turn to talk to James but he's gone. So this makes since he sent me that pictures of Harry and my mom that night and what does he mean there is more? I stay standing thinking of what just happened. I decide to not think think so much of it and start walking towards Harry's car. 

"Hey" I say climbing into the car. 

He doesn't say anything, he doesn't even look at me. He drives off towards my dad's not say anything. 

"Harry, everything ok?" 

He nods his head as he keeps his gaze on the road. Within minutes we are at my dad's, I notice his car gone. Harry gets out and comes over and opens my door. I keep my eyes on him, his face tightens up as he uses the door to keep his balance. I get out, still looking at him, he is wearing a black shirt an black skinny jeans along with a pair of Ray Bans. I see the sun shine in his face bringing out this bruise on his face. 

"Lon don't" he says as I reach up for his sunglasses. 

I ignore him and I slowly take them off revealing his black eye. 

"What the hell happened?" I asks tilting his head to one side examining his whole face. 

He has a cut above his eyes and in his lip. He winces in pain as I slightly touch his face. I grab his hand away from the car door, I close the door and I pull Harry towards the house. 

"Thank god dad leaves the door unlocked" I mumble to myself. 

We enter the house and I gesture Harry to take a seat on the couch. As he takes a seat I go off into the house looking for a first aid kit.

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