Chapter 19 - Life Shattering Events

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It's been two weeks since that text from James. It's been two weeks since I've been outside. It's been two weeks since Louis was released from the hospital. I've been stuck in this house by a demand from Harry. He has Niall and Liam watching my every move. Sitting in this house doing nothing is driving me insane. Harry hasn't talked to me or even looked at me since that text. I can tell that his stress level has sky rocketed since then. Knowing that even if I step near the front door Harry would snap at me about it.

"London, do you want some pizza?" Niall yells from the kitchen.


He walks in carrying to plates, he hands me one before taking a seat beside me. I look at the pepperoni pizza, knowing if I did eat it my stomach couldn't handle it. I place it on the table in front of me.

"You need to eat" Niall says looking at me. As he sounds worried.

Everyone has demanded I do something or force me to do it. The worry everyone has for me is suffocating, I'm fine I just need to get out this house but Harry would never allow that. He doesn't have to know, but how can I get out of Niall's watchful gaze. Liam has been preoccupied with Hanna, ever since she flew in last week. There is only one way to leave without him knowing.

"I don't need to do anything" I snap, hoping he will either leave me to settle down as my anger rises or I will storm off.

"Harry isn't going to like this" he mutters, taking another bite of pizza.

Fuck why does he always have to mention Harry with everything? If I head sit by the window I get fussed at by him then he goes an tells Harry who gives me a speech about how I could have died.

"Why always mention how Harry isn't going to like this or that? It's annoying Niall!" yell before storming off towards the room I've been staying in.

I hear his footsteps as he makes his way up the stairs to my room. I shut my door and lock it before he could intrude.

"London open the door" he shouts.

"I'm going to take a nap until Harry comes back."

I hear him sigh before his footsteps head back down the stairs. I look towards the window knowing it's my only escape at the moment. I open the window looking down, being afraid of heights doesn't help the situation as much. I notice that there is a little ladder leaning against the house, remembering I set it there the last time I tried to escape from Harry. His stress has sky rocketed along with his attitude and overprotective ways. As I reach the bottom if the ladder I breathe out a sigh of relief. Walking down the side walk breathing in the warm winter air. It's a beautiful time of night to go on a walk. Passing a alley I notice these two men talking, one stops and looks at me. He points to me making the guy in front of him turn around before giving the first a little nod. I watch as he runs towards me, I have a feeling to run but I can't the other guys gaze is held on me.

"Let go of me" I shout as the guy finally makes his way to me grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the dark man in the alley.

"Never thought Harry would let you out if his sight."

Dale? It has to be him, he is the only one whose voice makes me shiver.

The guy holding my wrists jerks me forward so I'm now standing face to face with the man that is my father.

"You don't talk much, so I'll make this quick" he says running his hand over his newly grown beard. "Leave Harry and join me and he might live but if you don't then let's just say no one will make it."

He leans in closer to me, looking into my eyes. I hate the presence of this man, his attitude is veil.

"So what do you say?" he asks.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now