Chapter 22 - Her

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*Harry's POV*

I sit beside her bed clutching her hand in mine as her heart monitor beeps. The doctor had told me that they cant do anyting else and if she doesnt wake up today then thats it, my heart sinks at knowing she probably wouldnt make it and i will have to live without her. I look towards the door as Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn walk in. The smiles they had soon fade as they look at her. Louis called me and told me that he was going after Luke, I wonder if he found him?

"Harry we got him" Louis says looking at me, as his smile soon returns.


Knowing that Louis feels better after killing the guy that stole everything from him. Those me days after Eleanor's death were the worst. Him tuning out of the house and straight to hers. I remember finding him in her room clutching a picture of her as he repeated "I'm sorry." Is that how I'm going to be after London's? I don't want to think that I will lose her but the odds aren't in my favor at the moment.

"Harry you okay?" Niall asks looking at me.

I didn't notice I was crying as I looked at her, I wipe my eyes and swiftly nod my head. I have to tell them what I know.

"The doctors told me there is nothing they can do and if she doesn't wake up today that's it" I mutter looking at her.

There has to be some way to wake her, or anything. I need her here with me, I know I broke my one promise but never again. I lean up out of my chair and I press my lips to her soft check.

"I love you" I whisper before kissing her hand.

*London's POV*

This darkness is driving me crazy. I hear Harry as he sobs and all I want to do is hold him and tell him I'm fine, but I can't. He talks to people and I hear nothing of what the person is saying but he is all I hear. Harry starts talking to someone again.

"Good" he simply says.

Good? what's good? I use to be able to hear others but as days went by I can only hear Harry. He sobs, his apologies, his promises to me and himself. The day Harry cried has to be the worst day, hearing him say he wished it was his instead of me. I don't know what I would do if I was in his position and him in mine. I love him, and he loves me but all I want to do is tell him I'm fine. Harry tells them about my state and that the doctors can't do anything. Hearing that from him and the way his voice cracked at the end just breaks my heart. I close my eyes holding back my tears, tears? I move my hand to wipe under my eyes. I moved my hand, everything is getting better because of him. I open my eyes and I'm shocked to see a little light at the end of the darkness. It gets brighter and brighter, soon enough it engulfs me. The words that I hear only is I love you.

"Oh my god she is awake!" I hear Niall yell.

I open my eyes, looking around at the hospital room.

"I'm going to go get Sam" Louis states before walking out if the room.

I look at Zayn as he smiles at me before walking towards the bed with Liam and Niall. I glance towards Harry whose emerald eyes are wide.

"Well look who woke up" Sam's cheery voice says as she walks in.

She checks everything before walking out again followed by Louis.

"W-What h-happened?" I stutter as my voice comes out horse.

I look towards Zayn and Liam who hang there head before walking towards the door. Niall looks towards me then Harry before following close behind the others.

"I'm so happy you're awake" Harry mutters as he clutches my hand tighter.

I hear him sniff as he looks down.

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