Chapter 23 - The Date

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Coming out of the hospital I feel refreshed, happy. Knowing that everyone cares and loves me endlessly. Harry hasn't left my side since I woke up. I get into the passenger side of the car as Harry enters the drivers. Starting the engine and soon heading off to the place we have soon been able to call home. Have been listening to Harry's conversations with everyone on the phone I have learned that there is some sort of "surprise" waiting at the house.

"I'm happy you're okay" Harry says breaking the silence between us.

"Me too" I mutter.

He reaches and grabs my hand and holds it firmly in his before turning on the street that I remember leads us to the house. The soft sound coming from the radio soothes all my anxiety as we pull up to the house.

"Happy to be home" he mutters as he lightly squeezes my hand before getting out of the car.

He soon comes around and opens my door as he helps me out. I give him a little smile before he grabbed my hand again. Shutting the car door he leads me to the house. Standing in front of the house door, I take a deep breath before opening it slowly. I walk towards the living room to see everyone.

"Welcome home!" they all cheer.

I can't help but smile seeing all of my friends standing in one room. I'm greeted with hugs. I thank everyone as I walk around the room noticing everyone from Sarah to Sam. I spoke a familiar head.

"Mom?" I question as I walk up to her.

"Happy to know what I've heard isn't true" she mutters looking at me.

I grab her wrist and pull her down the hallway hoping no one had noticed her. Closing the bedroom door behind me I turn and face the women who has helped contribute to the pain and lies that's have became my life.

"What are you doing here?" I question.

"Wanted to see how you were doing? Oh and big news Claire and Lucy were killed in a car accident yesterday by some drunken idiot" she mutters.

Lucy and Claire died? No one told me anything. At least they weren't murdered like my father, or who I thought was my father.

"Honey come back with me, we could be a power team. With you we would be unstoppable."

"No, I don't want to work with you or Dale!" I yell.

"What you want to stay with Harry?" she asks.

I nod, the image of them together pop into my head.

"Honey, big news he is worse then you think."

"How the hell do you know?" I snap.

"Well let's see he killed Jamie, he has been fucking me since he was 15." She stops to look at me.

15? That's when everything changed and the whole time he was with my mom.

"I know he killed my dad, but why sleep with him you could have said no."

"Have you seen that boy, why would I deny him what he wants" she says with a smirk.

This conversation has gotten out of control, she is just rubbing it in my face. What else has he lied about? Is there more behind everything he does?

"He's not who you think! Don't sit in this house and believe these damn lies he's telling you." she snaps. "Dale gave everything to him and now look at the shit he's done to him. London you need to get away from him before he betrays you as well."

I look at my mom, the women who has fucked Harry, lied about my real dad and more than things then I can count. But she is here telling me that I should turn my back on Harry and go with her and Dale.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now