Chapter 8 - Dinner

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The whole car ride was dead silent, you can feel the tension.  I was stuck in the back between Harry and Jacob.   I was thankful that we made it to the resturant i dont think i can stand be in the car any longer.  I follow Harry out of the car, we all make our way to the entrance of the fancy restaurant.  

"Don't answer any question Dale asks you!" Harry whispers in my ear.  

I look at him confused, how does he know his name is Dale? Why cant i answer any questions he may ask me?

"Why not?" 

"I will answer for you, just go along with what i say."  He says, softly keeping his eyes on Dale as he talks to the waiter. 

Soon enough the waiter leads us to our table, i keep my head down just wanting to get everything over with.  I take a seat beside Harry and across from Jacob. I notice an empty seat beside Harry, i'm curious if someone else will be joing us. 

"I invited someone if thats ok with you London?" Dale states.

"She doesn't mind" Harry says speaking for me.  

Everyone looks at him, i notice my mother giving him the same look when he asked if he could join us.  This is going to be some awkward dinner, i notice the waiter has came back i zone out as Dale orders for the whole table.  I can't and don't think i can sit here all dinner and deal with Harry being snappy and Dale creeping me out.  

"And there he is" Dale says raising from his seat. 

I turn to see a blond headed guy walking towards our table.  He gives Harry a reassuring smile before shaking Dale's hand and taking the seat beside Harry.

"London this is Niall" He says gesturing to the guy, i smile shyly. 

"Nice to meet you London, I've heard a few things about you from this guy here" he says nudging Harry. 

I cant help but blush, harry has talked about me.

"Enough of that" harry mutters towards Niall. 

"So London how are you doing in your classes?" Dale questions. 

"She is doing great" harry speaks up. 

Again the awkward tension takes over again. 

"Harry i was asking London" Dale says through gritted teeth. 

"Well she told me her throat hurts so she asked me to talk for her" he snaps. 

Everyone looks at me waiting for me to verify what Harry has just said. I look at him then back to everyone before nodding my head.  They all soon go into another conversation about Jacob's new job at some company.  Happily the food comes, i look and notice he ordered everyone lobster.  I've never eaten lobster before, and after this strange tension that appears when Dale and Harry make eye contact i think I've lost my appetite.  I look over at Harry who seems to be starring at me, i don't know why. He glances towards my purse then back at me, still confused i keep looking at him.  He points to his phone indicating he sent me a text.  I clear understand now, i reach for my bag and pull out my phone to see a message from Harry.

*Do you want to leave?*

I look back at him questioning the idea to leave.  If i left my mom would through a fit but if i stay i might loose my mind. I glance back at my phone wondering what i exactly want to do. 

"I'm going to go get some fresh air, i'll be back" i mumble as i get up from my chair.

"I'll go with you" my mother insists as she does the same and starts walking towards the door.  

I follow her, as i open the door a i breathe in some fresh air as i sigh with relief. 

*Harry's POV*

 As soon as London and her mom left the table i was nervous that Dale might make a scene in front of everyone. 

"Harry don't fuck this up!" he snaps.  

I look up at him wondering what he is talking about, he promised he wouldn't do anything to London and i know damn well he has turned his back on that and possibly me. Luckily Niall is here to learn what its like to be Dale's bitch.

"Dale what happened to keeping your word?" i question. 

"Harry, my boy I'm keeping my word but I've gone into more detail and learning about your pericous london is apart of the job" he says with a smirk.

"I know your fucking plan and dont you dare touch her!" i strongly say.

"Oh it wouldnt be me doing anything" he says looking over towards the window where you can see London and Carla. "Yet" he mumbles. 

I try to hold back the urge to jump across the table and strangle him, but i don't think London would like that.  

"Also, i need you and Jacob to go take care of someone for me" he mumbles.  

I look back to the window looking at London as her long brown hair blows in the wind.  I don't want to leave her alone with dale but i also don't want to upset Dale anymore, I'm still not healed from the last time i disappointed him. 

"don't worry mate i will make sure nothing happens to her or that he doesn't do anything" Niall whispers to me. I nod before getting up and heading for the door followed by Jacob. 

I walk outside and notice London standing beside her mom who seems to be fussing about something.  I walk over to her and pull her into a tight hug.

"you leaving?" she asks.

"Yeah, i have something i need to do.  I'll call you later ok?" 

She nods before hugging me back as tight.  We soon pull apart before i give her a reasuring smile before heading back to Jacob.  We walk to this black car thats sitting at the far end of the parking lot.  He throws me the keys, before getting in.  I take a deep breath before getting in the car. 

"Where are we going?" i question. 

He looks at me with a smirk on his face before grabbing a picture out of the glove box.  As he holds up the picture i cant believe it.

"I'm not being apart of this one Jacob" i snap. 

"Harry if you don't then it will be London who will be next" he threatens.

He hands me the picture, i look at it worried what will happen if London ever found out that i took place in the killing of her father.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now