Chapter 3 - Lies or Truth

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*Harry's POV* 


"Why didn't you answer the phone when I called?" Dammit I knew it was him calling when I was taking London home.

"I was busy" I say trying to ease his mood. 

"Don't let it happen again, and let me guess you were with London" he says, I can sense the smirk in her voice. 

"You said If I did what you wanted you would leave he alone!" 

"Come down lover boy, I on the hand stick to my word" he states. 

I roll my eyes, this day can't get any worse. 

"One of my favorite people called and said that they need to talk to you, so if I were you I would get your ass over there before something happens to the love of your life!" And with that he hangs up. 

As I drive back to London's I know what she wants. I take a deep breath looking around to make sure London is nowhere to be seen. I get out of the car and slowly walk up to the door. 

"Harry, I've been waiting for you" Carla says smiling at me as she let me in. 

"What do you want Carla?" I snap, I'm not here to play games. 

"Calm down, and remember what could happen to London if you don't do as I want" she says a little smirk. 

I look around, scared that she is here. 

"Don't worry she is with her father" she says. 

Thank god. 

"What do you need Carla?" I ask trying to do as I'm instructed to do when she insist I come over. 

"Harry do you have to ask?" she asks, I exam her attire. I cringe as she walks closer to me raising her white t-shirt over her head revealing her bare body. 

"Come on" she says walking towards her room. 

I follow closely behind. I gulp as she closes the door as I enter. 

"No more asking for me to come over Carla! Last time I almost lost London." I can't help but remember that awful day. 

"You will do this as long as I want you to, and do you want her safe? do you want her to know about Dale? and why you aren't in jail for you crimes?" 

"Fine" I mutter, she grabs my hand and pulls me closer to her. 


Before I can protest any further, she pushes me onto the bed. 

*London's POV* 

"Lon please?" Claire starts to whine. 

"I'm not calling Harry" I snap. 

She has been begging me to call Harry ever since my dad and her mom left. I want to call Harry but I bet he is busy. 

"You know you want too" she chimes. 

"What? No I - he's probably busy" I sigh. 

"Fine" she says flopping down on the couch crossing her arms over her little chest. 

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask, trying to keep her from pouting or even worse crying. 

"Sure, Finding Nemo?" she asks, as a giant smile crosses her face. 

I nod, soon enough she rushes to her room and grabs the DVD. After putting it in the DVD player I push play. As the movie starts I can't help but think of what Harry is doing. I look towards the TV as the movie starts, why did I even agree to watch this movie? Halfway through the movie I hear little snores coming from beside me. I look and see little Claire fast asleep, that's why I always agree to this movie. 

"Finally" I sigh. 

As soon as I stopped the movie the front door opens. 

"Hey honey" my dad says walking in followed by Lucy. 


"Let me go out her to bed" dad says walking towards Claire. He picks her up in his arms, I watch as she curls closer to him. 

Soon enough they are out of view. Now it's just me and Lucy. 

"How are you and Harry?" she asks. 

Why does everyone want to know about me and Harry or just Harry? 

"Good" I mutter. 

"I know you love him" Lucy says looking at me. 

"Yeah, he is my best friend" I try changing the subject.

"More then that dear, I remember the day that awful day you found him and you mom. The way you cried and cried and I know he feels the same about you, because he wouldn't leave this house until you forgave him." 

She was right about me but not Harry, he couldn't love me. I nod just trying to he her to stop talking about it before I start to cry. 

"Lucy" dad yells from upstairs, which is usually her signal to come to bed. 

"Night" she says before head toward their bedroom. 

I ease up off the couch, before grabbing my phone and heading towards me room. Well it's not really my room, but It could be if I would move out if my mom's house. I crawl into bed holding my phone debating on texting Harry. I decide against it, as I reach to lay it on the bedside table it starts to buzz. I pull it back towards me to see I have 5 picture messages from anonymous. 

I click on view pictures. I almost drop my phone on the floor as I look at a picture of Harry walking from his car to my house. I scroll to other one to see it's my mom opening the door for him. the other one disturbs me as it's Harry and My mom in her room together. The last one is her waving him off as he leaves with out his shirt, I look closely and see my mom is wearing it. 

"Oh my god, he lied to me!" I whisper. 

Harry's name pops up on my phone. 

"Hello?" I answer his call trying to sound normal. 

"Hey, you okay?" he asks, sounding worried. 

Dammit why does he know if something is wrong or not. 

"Yeah, yeah everything is fine." 

"Okay" he doesn't sound convinced. 

I need to bring up about my mom and him. 

"So remember when I caught you and my mom, and you told me it wouldn't happen again?" I asks.


"Did you lie to me?" I ask, maybe he will tell me the truth this time. 

"Yes, but this time it was a mistake. Lon I know what you're going to do and please don't cry" he says sounding frustrated. 

"Harry, you and my mom sicken me, and I believed you the first time when you said it wouldn't happen again. But now it's like a smack in the face!" I feel the tears prick my eyes. 

"Lon I'm outside your dad's house" he says sounding upset. 

I get up and look at the window to see him leaning against his black car. I hang up and walk out of my room to the main door. I ease out carefully not wanting to wake anyone. 

"London, I'm sorry" he says engulfing me in a hug. 

"Is this the only thing you lied to me about?" I ask being curious at all the memories of Harry getting upset if I wanted go with him or I answered his phone. 

I feel his whole body tense up. 

"Yes." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I hug him back. 

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now