Chapter 25 - The Decisions

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Waking up to Harry sound a sleep beside me I can't help but admire his beautiful features. The perfection of his jaw line all the way to his tattoos that cover parts of his beautiful skin. Examining that tattoos on his chest to the one on his stomach I can't help but trace the out line. Wondering what he thought when he got each one and what they mean to him.

"What are you doing?" a husky voice asks me.

"Tracing your tattoos."

He doesn't say anything as he just holds me close to him.

"Why were you tossing in your sleep last night?" I can't help but ask.

I was woke up many times by Harry moving away from me then pulling me back to him.

"This dream I had" he simply states.

Was it so bad that It would keep him in and out of sleep?

"Don't worry about it, it was nothing" he says reading my mind.

I lay my head back on his chest, thinking of all the arguing that's happened since I've gotten out if the hospital. The dumb arguments that have all happened because I've over reacted or I was a bitch towards him. He doesn't deserve all that torture I know he seriously hate himself for what happened to me but I'm fine now, aren't I. Knowing I kinda made a deal with the devil yesterday, but having her agree Dale needs to go is the best part of the game I'm playing so far. She and everyone else doesn't understand the hurt that has happened in my life, the lies and hatred I feel some of the time I just don't know if what I decided on when I left the hospital will be a good idea as I thought. Wiggling out of Harry's hold I head to the bathroom grabbing my phone as I do. Seeing as the deal I've made is the worst thing I think it's best if I call and try to get mom to changer her mind. Going to my recent calls I click on her names, waiting and waiting for her to answer.

"Hello" she says sounding too cheery.

"Mother, I need to back out."

"This was your damn Idea and you're not leaving me to deal with this shit myself" she snaps.

"I can't do that to Harry" I say as I open the bathroom door a little to see Harry sitting on the bed as he writes down something.

"Well if he can do shit to you, doesn't he deserve some karma?"

"Karma to a point mother but this is too far don't ya think?" I ask, remembering every detail of what she wanted me to do and so on.

"Yes but just think of what will come when we take down Dale and him, don't back out!"

Is the last thing she says before hanging up. The plan is ready to go but thinking of all the actions last night I don't know if I can actually pull off any if those choices.

"London, you okay?" I hear Harry's faint voice ask.

"Yeah I'm fine I'll be out in a minute."

After getting my self together I walk out if the bathroom, seeing Harry setting on the edge of the bed.

"You want to come with us to meet this Jordan guy?" he asks me as I walk over taking a seat beside him.

"No thanks, I need to catch up in the work my professors are emailing me" I lie.

"Oh okay, I'll call you later" he says getting up from the bed.

"Love you" he whispers as he place a kiss in my cheek.

"Love you" I say as he walks out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

Lying isn't my best thing but knowing he bought everything I said proves that I'm better than I thought. Easing off the bed I head to the bedroom door to make sure Harry and everyone else left. Hearing the door close and the chatter slowly fade down proves that they have gone looking for Jordan. Rushing down stairs, I spot Liam sitting on the couch.

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