Chapter 24 - The Date pt. 2

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*Sam's POV*

After helping Harry get everything prepared for this date. I head upstairs to London's room to make sure she is ready.

"You ready yet?" I ask through the locked door.

"No, I don't really want to see him or talk to him at the moment."

"Just stop whining and get dressed" I snap.

She doesn't say anything else, I walk back downstairs to see Louis talking on the phone with someone.

"Okay, thanks" he says before hanging up his phone.

"Who was that?" I question.

"No one important babe" he says giving me a smile before wrapping his arms around me.

I wrap my arms around his torso as he holds me tightly against him. He pulls back from the hug, still holding onto me he starts to lean in. Our lips are close to touching.


Hearing London yell my name, I pull away from Louis as he cuss under his breath.

*London's POV*

Knowing this "date" Harry has just planned is his way of trying to get me to forgive him. Why is he so scared that someone is going to take me away from him? Im not his I can defend and protect myself, to an a point. Finally dressed in the black dress Sam has demanded I wear. Looking in the mirror I actually feel pretty confident. The dress goes to mid thigh, its snug in the right places. Smiling at my reflection I didn't notice the door open.

"Looking Beautiful" I turn to see Harry standing in the doorway.

Not knowing what to say I just stand there, yelling for Sam seems to be the only option at the moment.

"Sam!" I yell, hoping she will come up here and ask Harry to leave.

"Please don't be mad" he begs as he close the bedroom door as he walks further in.

Hearing him lock the door, I feel nervous and scared. Standing in the same spot I keep a close eye in Harry as he walks closer to me. I step back try into create distance between us.

"Lon, please."

I shake my head, not in the mood to talk. The only option I have is running into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

"London! Are you okay?" I hear Sam yell from the other side of the locked door.

"She's fine" Harry speaks up.

"Harry? What the hell are you doing in there?"

"Talking to her" he states.

Sam doesn't say anything as you can hear her heels click against the floor as she walks back down the steps.

"Harry, leave" I finally say.

"Not until you talk to me" he snaps. "I know I've made some dumb mistakes, okay I've made a lot but you can't be mad at me now for them."

"Why can't I?" I fire back.

"That was a long time ago as well as the other ducking mistakes so don't judge me know for them" he sternly says.

"You had no right killing him leg along sleeping with my mother!"

His face pales at my words. I take a deep breath ready for this awful conversation I've been denying and ignoring forever now.

"I-It was once" he stutters.

"Don lie to me! I know more than you think I do" I snap.

"Okay fine, I've been fucking your mom since I was 15" he sighs as he walks to the bed and takes a seat.

"Why?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything as he places his head in his hands. The room is silent as I wait for his response.

"I wanted too" he finally speaks up.


Shocked by him admitting he wanted to sleep with my mom.

"I fucking wanted to okay, your mom is hot I'm sorry for my hormones getting in the way!" He yells. "No one else wouldn't give me pleasure."

"Excuse me?"

"You know damn well I liked you and hearing from James that when he raped you that afterwards you said you wished it was me not him" he harshly says.

I knew no such thing, Harry never expressed his feelings towards anyone when he hit his teenage years. Once in awhile I would hear the faint words 'I love you London' but I thought he meant them in a friendship way.

"Sorry Harry for not being like my mother, and if you want her so damn bad go find her" I yell before walking into the bathroom door.

I couldn't help the tears that stream down my face as my back slides down the door. Not being able to comprehend everything that he has done to me in the past I just feel like I made the worst mistake of my life. Noticing my phone sitting on the sink in the bathroom I grab it and scroll through my contacts until finding her name. Clicking in her name I hold the phone up to my ear, on the second ring her voice chimes through the small speaker.

"So have you thought about it?" her sweet voice asks.

"Yes I have" I mutter, knowing what I have to do.

"And?" she questions.

"I'm in, but what about this idea. Mother and daughter controlling everything, we don't need Dale."

"Great idea honey, I always had an idea you were like me some how" she says with a hint of smirk in her voice.

*Harry's POV*

Dammit, why the hell did I have to tell her that? She is already insecure about herself and I just made it worse. Pacing back and forth in her room, I can think of any good reasons why I deserve her. She is here after knowing I killed her love growing up, I've fucked her mom, and killed her dad. Lets just say I enjoyed half the times I spent with her mom but as London grew up I watched her change. Knowing I shouldn't have even made a move at her mom then I would have London officially mine by now.

"I'm such a fucking idiot" I say under my breath as I kick the wall in her room.

I walk towards the bathroom door, lightly knocking on it.

"Leave me alone" she says as I hear her sniffle.

"I'm sorry" i whisper loud enough for her to hear me.

She says nothing, I feel my chest begin to hurt worse at her silence.

"Please let me make it up to you" I plea.

The slowly opens revealing a red, puffy eyed London. She sighs before walking past me grabbing her black flats.

"You going to make it up to me or are you just going to stand there?" she questions.

I walk behind her as she heads down the stairs. Ignoring Sam's death stare as I exit the house behind London. Opening her door for her I make my way to the driver side. As I enter the car I see her texting away on her phone. She doesn't even look at me as I start the car and head of towards the restaurant. Rubbing my sweaty hands in my black skinny jeans I think of anything to calm my nerves.

"I shouldn't have said that" I say breaking the silence.

"You shouldn't have said a lot if things but you can't take it back now" she mutter not even taking her eyes off the phone.

She's right, I can't take it back now along with everything else I've said or done. I need her to know everything that I've done so I can hit her anger towards it all head on. Pulling up to the restaurant. I take a deep breath before opening the driver side door and heading to open hers. She gives me a quick glance as she gets out, I battle the urge to grab her hand in mine. Knowing if I tried she would pull away and not even try talking to me the rest of the night. Opening the door for her as we enter the very fancy, expensive, restaurant.

"Name sir?" a very classy man asks from behind his podium.

"Styles" I simply say.

"Yes, I see sir follow me" he says grabbing to menus and heading off into the restaurant. I place my hand on her back as I lead her to the table that the man is showing us to.

"Thank you."

"No problem sir, your waiter will be with you soon" he says before walking off.

I pull out London's chair for her as she sits down, giving me a little smile as I walk to my seat directly in front of her. Sitting in silence I feel so much guilt towards my recent actions, hiding things from her is a mistake but knowing that my lies have made this what it is now. Should I change that or keep everything the way it is?

"Can you give me gun lessons?" she question breaking me out if my guilty thoughts.

"Gun lessons?"confused by her random question but also curious why.

"Yes, teach me to shoot, I need to protect myself" she simply says.

I have this feeling that if I do teach her that it will end badly but knowing that this will help me spend more time with her and show her how much I care for her I can't help but agree to it.

"Sure thing."


Dinner goes by smoothly, the conversation varies in many ways but at least there is one. Her laugh fills the area around us as she laughs at one of my many corny jokes. That laugh of hers happens to be one of my favorite sounds. After paying for the dinner I grab her hand in mine as we head back to the car. Opening her door, she climbs in. Heading to my side I can't help but smile. Getting in a starting the car I head back to the house. Her still being focused in her phone, I'm curious who she could be texting.

"Who are you texting?" The question comes out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

"What?" she asks taken aback by my question.

"Who are you texting?" I asks again.

I glance to see her look at me as if I asked her a question I have no right asking. Turning my eyes back to the road I feel like I've crosses the line.

"My mother" she finally says as we pull into the driveway of the house.

Her mother? Why the hell is she talking to her?


"She's my mother, why shouldn't I talk to her?" she asks.

"You have a right too, I was just wondering why because after everything she's done to you" I state.

"I wonder the same thing about you" she snaps before opening her door and slamming it shut.

Some how I fuck everything up, but she seems to get more defensive as the night goes on. Just asking the simplest question to her she blows up. Something happened today that I don't know about. Getting out if the car and heading inside the house I notice London is no where to be seen. I walk upstairs and stop at her bedroom door. I waist no times as I open her door and close it behind me.

"What the hell Harry?" she yells.

"What is your deal?" I ask.

"My deal?"

"Yes your deal, you have been a complete bitch to me all night" I yell.

"Really? You have lied to me about everything and don't you think I have a right to be mad?" she fires back.

"You have a right but don't you understand that I love you! I wanted you safe, I wanted no one to hurt you in anyway." I shout.

"So over protective" she states.

"Lon, I wanted you safe. I wanted you mine and mine only but I guess I will never have that chance to call you mine." I mutter hanging my head down.

"I'm safe, I've been safe." she says as she walks over to me. "If you wanted me as yours all you had to do was ask."

"Really?" I question.

She nods her head before grabbing me by the nape of my neck bringing my lips to hers.

"Ask me?" she whispers.

"Will you officially be my girlfriend?" I whisper, moving closer in are lips only inches apart.

"Yes" she says.

Finally our lips contect, feeling her soft lips pressed to mine just feels right. Her arms find their way to my neck as she pulls my closer to her. Her mouth opens giving my tongue permission to enter. Make the kiss more intension I can't help but feel the urge for her. Place my hands in her hips I pull her body closer to mine. Backing towards the bed she pulls away from me.

"I can't" she says as she tries to catch her breath.

"It's just me Lon, no one else" I mutter trying to reassure her that nothing will happen to her.

"Harry I just can't okay" she sternly says.

"Okay" I simply say.

Not really in the mood to pressure her into anything or make her do anything she doesn't want to. I watch as she grabs her pjs off her dresser and heads to the bathroom closing the door swiftly behind her. As she is in the bathroom changing I strip from my shirt and my jeans and climb into the bed just wearing my boxers. Watching her exit from the bathroom in one of my old shirts and her pajama shorts, she strides over to the bed and pulls back the covers and climbs in beside me. As she lays down looking away from me I know that I've upset her in some way, again tonight.

"What did I do this time?" I ask, knowing I did something to upset her.

"It's not you, it's me" she says as her voice cracks at the end.

"London don't cry, please baby don't cry" I plea.

I place my arm cross her stomach to pull her close to me. She rolls over so we are now face to face, seeing her face in the dim light if the room I can see a tear stream down her face. I pull her closer to me wrapping my arms protectively around her.

"Harry I'm not good enough for you" she says as she begins to sob.

No good for me? That's crazy if one person isn't good enough for her that's me.

"You are perfect for me, and why don't you think you are?" I question.

She stays silent as she continues to cry, I rub my hand up and down her back as I try to calm her down.

"I pushed you away."

"I understand if you're not ready London it's fine" I say trying to reassure her everything is okay.

"I'm ready Harry I am but I don't think I'm good enough. You have been with many girls, even my mother. They have so much I don't" she states.

Okay I know I've been with many girls and even her mom but none of them compare to her. She has something they don't, me.

"Don't worry about them, you have something they don't" I say as my fingers play in her hair.

"What?" she asks.

"Well they don't have your smarts, you beautiful green eyes, oh and that laugh of yours that I love so much" I say as my fingers continue playing in her hair.

"What else?"

"Um, your award winning personality and the way when your mad your eyes turn a darker shade of green, like mine, and one last thing they don't have" I mutter.

"What shall that be?" she questions.

"Me" I simply say.

Her giggle fills the room as she pushes at my chest. Hearing that giggle come from her just brings a smile to my face. She leans up and looks at me, her fingers make their way into my hair as she looks at me.

"You're right, I have something they will never have and you want to know why they will never have you?" she asks.

"Whys that?" I question as my hand caress her face, the pad of my thumb runs over her bottom lip as she looks at me.

"Because you are mine."

Hearing those words come from her makes every regret I've ever had slip away. Knowing I'm hers and she is mine just makes everything right.

She leans down and pecks me on the lips before she lays her head on my chest.

"I love you, London" I mutter as I hold her tightly towards me.

"I love you, Harry."

Minutes later her soft snores can be heard, holding her in my arms is the best feeling in the world. Kissing her is everything I thought it would be, and the best part is that she is mine. I close my eyes remembering that no matter what girl I've been with they will never compare to London.

"You want another drink doll face?" The bartender asks me.

I look down at my empty glass sitting on the counter. Not remembering her name, which I know I should I've been here 20 times as well as I've gotten to know her pretty good.

"Sure" I slur.

"Baby, do I need to take you home with me again?" she asks with a wink.

"You know you wish you could" I snap.

"Oh I would love to experience the things I have with you over and over again" she says batting her mascara covered eyelashes at me as she bites her lip.

"You and every other women around town."

She doesn't say anything as she hands me her drink and walks off. I swear her name is Lanna or some shit like that. Feeling the presence of someone beside me, I have a guess it's either a women or a man here to start another fight.

"Hey sexy want to buy me a drink?" Her voice is more familiar then anything, I look over and notice Hanna sitting there smiling at me.

"Hanna?" I question, knowing my vision isn't that bad but isn't she suppose to be talking to Liam?

"Yep, how are you Harry?" she asks nudging me in my side.

"Drunk, what about you?" I ask, really not caring what she has to say.

"Sober" she says with a giggle.

"I'm not going to fuck you Hanna" I simply state.

"I'm not here for that Harry, I'm here to see if you're okay" she says looking at me worried.

"Good and I'm fine" I slur, I think I need to lie down.

"How many have you had?" he questions as she takes my newly refilled drink from my hands.

"Not enough" I snap.

"You need to get your shit together" she slightly yells.

"Don't tell me what I need to do, and my shit is together" I fire back.

"Oh really? You only come drinking when you either slept with Carla or London is mad at you and you want a piece of ass since you can't get with her."

Damn she is right, that's all I came drinking for. Luckily this time I didn't sleep with Carla, but I wish I would have so me an London wouldn't have gotten in an argument. Her anger is one scary thing and her forgiveness is hard to get after one of her rampages.

"What did you guys fight about now?" Hanna questions.

"Me sleeping with Courtney and Jaymi, the two girls who bully her every day. But what really pissed her off is when she caught me with Courtney" I slur, her facial expression is burnt into my mind. The tears the built up in her eyes just ruined everything.

"Why did you do that?" Hanna asks shaking her head.

"They wanted me too and I couldn't deny them, and I was so frustrated I needed someone" I bluntly said not caring who was listening.

She stays quiet as she just shakes her head, I take my drink away from her and chug it before she had anytime to protest. The feeling of the liquid sliding down my throat helps easing the pain in my heart.

"Both today?" she asks sounding curious.

"Yep, also It wasn't just them" I say signaling Abby or Lanna, I don't know what the fuck her name is, over for another drink.

"Harry no wonder she was pissed" Hanna says shocked by my answer.

"I know and I deserved everything she said to me."

Hearing her call me a 'whore' and 'how I should be their best friend if I care that much for them.' She was right with the whore thing but why doesn't she understand the only person I want is her and only her but I can't have her because she doesn't want me in that way. Everyday I would show her affiliation and tell her that she looks beautiful and all the stuff girls like the hear but the only thing she would say is that she is so lucky to have me as a 'best friend', dammit I want more way more.

"Why do it then?" she asks.

Why do I do it? I really don't know but while I'm with those other women all I think about is her.

"Because I can't have her in that way or any other way" I snap, I'm tired of all these damn questions.

"Why not Harry? You can have every other girl in the whole town that way why not her?" she yells.

"Because she's different, she deserves better than me, better than anything I could give her. She has something no one in this piece of shit town does" I shout.

"What's that?"

"She has the intelligence to leave and become something, she has the ability to be who she wants to be but she doesn't realize it and she has what ever girl in this town wants, me. She fucking has me, all of me, and doesn't even know it!" I yell.

Finally telling someone what I've kept bottled up inside for years.

"Tell her!"

"No!" I yell before standing up from my stool and walking towards the door.

I notice a blonde sitting at a table by herself, her eyes glued on me. I walk over to her table grabbing her hand and pulling her towards me. Her body crashes into mine as I grab her face in my hands, Forcing my lips on hers. Pulling away I look at her stunned face as she just stares at me.

"Come on" I sternly say as I drag her behind me as I walk out of the pub.

"Where are you taking me?" she asks sounding worried.

"Back to my flat" I mutter, still holding onto her hand as I walk down the street.

"I have a boyfriend" she states.

"I don't give a fuck if you were married" I snap.

"Okay, what are you going to do to me?" She ask sounding curious.

"You'll see."

"I can't wait" she says trying to sound seductive.

I get the same response out if ever girl, no matter who they are they are always excited for what awaits them. Hoping one day I will hear London say those exact words.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now