Chapter 21 - Misery

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*Harry's POV*

I've been at this hospital for days now waiting for a change, for her to open her eyes and say that she forgives me but nothing happens. The doctors and nurses come in and check her and then leave without telling me anything. I grab her hand in mine as i talk about my afternoon and how the lunch in the cafiteria is awful. I just want a reponse anything would be nice but nothing ever comes. I wait for Sam to start her usual shift so i can ask her about London and her progress. Hearing that there is nothing going great, and that she idnt doing that great just makes my chest hurt. Thinking that if she dies it would be my fault, and the guilt would haunt me for years. I hold firmly onto London's hand, her skin feels warm and her breathing tube was takening out early yesterday as they say she has strated to breath on her own. I feel greatful that good news but scared if it stops.

"Hey Babe" i say squeezing her hand lightly.

"London, i hope you can hear me becuase if you cant i bet i sound crazy talking to no one" i say with a chuckle.

This has been my daily routine besides from yesterday where Louis and the guy made me go home and shower while they visit her for awhile. I called every minute to see how everything was. I know its crazy being this crazy and over protective but i ewant her to be safe and i want to be the first one she sees when she opens her beautiful green eyes. I take a deep breath as i lay my head on her bed, like i do every day. Sighing as always knowing that nothings going to change and if they were wouldnt they have already happened?


I lift my head off the bed to see James walk through the door. I dont know why the hell he is here but by his facial expression he seems to be upset as his eyes stay on London.

"Is she?" he asks not being able to finish his sentence as she walks to her bedside.

I watch carefuly as he looks at her, luckly the bandge was removed at the begining of the week when her head healed up. He eyes look glossy as he stares at her, seeing him like this is different he is usually snapping and he has a wall built up but not with this. Not with her.

"James" i mutter, keeping my gaze on him.

His eyes look towards me before he breaks down, i never seen him cry but lets just say its not a pretty sight. I've been crying all week and all i wanted her to tell me she loved me and im crying for nothing.

"Harry i shouldnt have texted her about Dale" he mutters, wiping his eyes.

"You were trying to protect her and thats what happened but i pushed it and now she is here" i mumble as i look to her beautiful peaceful face as she lays there.

"No is to blame but that fucker Dale" he says wipping his eyes on last time. "and you."

"Dont turn this around on me" i snap.

He isnt going to come in here acting that everything he done was nothing, he didnt have to hold her when she cried or when she had the nightmares. He wasnt there and he never will be.

"Harry, she will be awake if your stupid ass didnt push her to escape the house!"

i let go of London's hand before i walk over towards James, he steps away from her and steps towards me. He looks me dead in the eyes before a little smirk forms on his lips. i grab him by the collar of his shirt and slam him into the wall. His eyes stay locked on mine as he stares at me.


"Oh thats what london say to me as i started stripping her from her clothes before i -"

"Shut up!" i yell slamming his body on the floor before towering over him.

"Hit me Harry you know you want too" he says as a smirk grows on his face.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now