Chapter 11 - The Chase Begins

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*Harry's POV*

"Why would he do this to me?" I hear London ask someone.

"He doesn't care for you" the person states.

That's lies, i love London more than anything!

"I guess not if he can just kill my father likes it's nothing" she snaps.

"London, i didn't want to do it! I had too, i need you safe!" i yell.

No one hears me, i walk closer to her and she drifts further away.  Her sobs get louder as the mystery person holds on to her. 

"Dale, why?" she sobs.

Dale is holding her, why him?

"He doesn't care London, not like i do" he says rubbing her back as she cries into his chest.

"Dale get your fucking hands off of her!" i yell.

But nothing happens, he just stands there holding her and soothing her.  I feel sick, this was his plan.  He wants her to hate me so he can have her all to himself.  I need to her away from him, she isn't safe and neither am i.  She wraps her arms around him tightly afraid to let go.  Seeing her like this scared of me.  Is this how she is gong to be when she finds out the truth, is she going to run to the next person to protect her. 

I close my eyes hoping the sight of them will leave my mind but when i open my eyes again i notice I'm in a hospital bed.  I hear people talking outside my cracked open door.  I blink my eyes a couple times when London walks in followed by Niall, Louis and Zayn.

"London?" i say softly, not believing she is really here.

She stand there looking at me, i look at everyone else as they stare at me.  I look down and notice that my hand is casted up.  I move my hand up to my head, i feel a bandage wrapped around it.  I wince in pain as i slightly touch it. I look back at London. 

"Don't cry London" i whisper. 

She struts over to me lightly laying her head on my chest as she cries.  I wrap my good arm around her. 

"Harry i was so scared i was going to lose you forever" she begins to sob.

"Hey. I'm here now. Ok" i say trying to sooth her. 

"How did you guys get here?" i question.

"Some guy called me and asked if i was London and he told me that you have been calling my name" i hear her slightly say.

Some guy? Did he say my real name?  Everyone around her calls me Jason, for safe reasons.  Who here would know what my real name is Harry?

"London can you go get the doctor?" i ask.

She nods before walking out of the room.  I look at Niall and then everyone else. 

"Does Dale know?" i ask worried that i would be up shit creek if he did. 

"He called me on the way here when London was asleep" Louis speaks up.

"Jacob died and Dale wants revenge" Liam states.

I gulp, Jacob died? It was my fault and he had to suffer for it.  It should have been me, i killed my best friends dad. 

"Also, he knows you called 911 for Jamie" Zayn mutters.

"Dammit, what am i going to do? i ask. 

"Leave here, Harry its the only thing you can do" Niall finally says. 

"But London?"

I cant leave her here, where Dale can mess with her or even worse kill her. 

"Take her with you, tell her its a vacation" Zayn says with a smirk.

I would love to leave and it only be me and London, but i know he will find me and worse her.

"Also you need to tell her" Niall chimes.

"Hell No!" I snap.  "I don't want to lose her, Niall."

"Harry, she lost her dad and almost lost you.  I think she wouldn't leave you over your dumb ass mistakes" Louis snaps.

He is right I'm all she has, besides Lucy and Claire.  They have to come too, they are her family and without them she would not know how to act. Also, i know Dale will go there next. 

"Niall, go get Lucy and Claire, i know Dale will hit there first" i order, he nods before walking out of the room followed by Zayn. 

"Liam, Louis you have to help me get an idea of where to go?"

*London's POV*

I walk down the hall smiling at the thought he is ok, happy that he is breathing and talking.  My phone starts to vibrate, i pull it out of my pocket to see a new picture message from the anynmous which i learned to be James.  My phone falls out of my hands at the sight of the picture.  I cover my mouth with horror, how could he?

"London? You okay?" Zayn asks stopping beside me. 

Niall stops and looks down at my phone that has fallen to the floor, he picks it up and gasps as he looks at the picture.  He shows Zayn and he looks at me and then back at the phone.

"I guess it's time you know the truth" Zayn whispers before grabbing my wrist and pulling me back towards Harry's room. 

Know what? That my best friend murdered my dad?  Oh and that he probably killed John Stone too?  Zayn tugs me into the room.  I notice Louis and Liam handing Harry some cash. 

"Harry you need to see this" Niall says walking over to him with my phone in his hand.

"Who the hell sent you these?" he shouts.

"Someone sent them to London" Niall says pointing towards me.

"Guys give us a minute" Harry says.

Everyone obliges and leaves the room, its now me and Harry.  He gestures me to the seat beside his bed.  I slowly walk over scared at what he might say or try to do.

"London don't be scared, i would never hurt you" he whispers.

"I know" i mutter.

I take the seat, and look up at him.  His emerald eyes show fear and worry.  Why is he worried?

"Why?" i ask.  "Why kill him?"

He opens his mouth ready to answer my question when Niall busts in the door. 

"Dale is coming to the hospital you need to leave now!" he yells.

Harry stands up ripping everything out of him as he does.  He winces in pain but he doesn't care as a determined look crosses his face.

"Niall, keys!" he shouts.

Niall throws his keys towards Harry, who then hands them to me.  I'm confused but i don't have time to question anything as he grabs all the belongings.  He grasp my wrist and pulls me out the door.

"See ya soon mate" Liam yells at us as we make our way towards the stairs.

"Why the stairs?" i ask.

"Dale is to fat to walk up or even down these stairs" he says with a chuckle.

I follow closely behind him as we make our way out of the back door of the hospital. 

"Where did Niall park?: he asks.

I look around and i spot Niall's car parked near the back.  I point to it as Harry nods, he pulls me towards it.  I unlock the door so we can get in. After safely inside Harry looks at me. 

"Listen i want you to drive and don't stop until i say so. okay?" he asks.

I look at him and then out the back mirror.  i notice Dale, he looks pissed.  Harry grabs the keys and sticks them in the ignition to start the car. 

"London its now or never."

"Harry, he is coming" i whisper. 

"Then drive, and don't stop!"

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now