Chapter 7 - Fiancee and Family

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Lucy rushed in waking me up this morning demanding I help her and Claire go shopping for who knows what.

"Happy you came?" Lucy asks.

I nod, thankful that she is way nicer the my mom. I told Lucy what actually happened yesterday and even she wished we would have kissed.

"It's obvious he cares for you" she says talking a drink of her sweet tea.

"No, friends that's all he wants" I say looking down fiddling with my hands.

Lucy looks like she was about to say something before Claire ran up to her and begged to show her this purple fuzzy thing. I giggled at her cuteness as they walked away. My phone starts to vibrate in my purse. I pull it out and look at whose calling. I roll my eyes before answering.

"Mom" I say not really wanting to talk to her.

"Don't be a bitch London and you're coming home today, pulling your little stunt I can't go out tonight with my fiancée."

I start choking on air, fiancée?

"It not that big of a shock" she snaps.

"Who is this lucky guy?" I ask, maybe it's the cute guy that walked out of the house other day.

"Dale Robertson" I can since the smile in her voice.

"Congrats mom" I say actually being happy for her.

"Thanks dear, also he wants to take all of us out for dinner tonight."

With that she hangs up. I'm beyond shocked that someone would want to marry her but I guess she deserves happiness. I decide to call Harry and tell him this strange news.

"Jamie give me a minute" is he talking to my dad?

"Hey Lon" he sounds cheery for once.

"Hey, I got some strange news."

"You have a boyfriend." He says with a little chuckle.

"That's not funny and no it had to deal with my mom." I snap.

"What is your mom getting married?" he questions. I can hear someone in the background, it sounds like my dad.

He stops laughing. "You have to be kidding me? You is this sorry fucker?" he asks.

"Not kidding and a guy named Dale Robertson" I mumble as I mess with my frozen lemonade straw.


"I got to go" he says hanging up.

I knew he would be shocked but I don't know he would be that shocked. I spot Lucy and Claire strolling towards me. I notice Claire holding a giant purple bear. I giggle at the size of the bear and then the size of her.

"Ready?" Lucy asks when they reach me.

I nod, I follow closely behind them as we make our way out of the mall.


When we head back to the house I walk in noticing that Harry had left. I walk into my room picking up my bags and put all my close in them. As I walk t the door I notice Harry's shirt from last night laying on the floor. I pick it up placing it in my bag.

"Dad!" I shout.

No response.

"He went out with Harry somewhere" I here Lucy chime from upstairs.

After hugging Claire I head out the door heading towards my house. When I walk through the door, I notice everything is neatly organized and clean.

"Honeys go get dressed he will be here soon" she yells from the kitchen.

I head up stairs and walk to my room to find my door creaked open. I walking in noticing a new dress setting in my bed, it's a very dark blue silk. It looks very expensive. I slip it on and decide to put my hair up. After checking my approach multiple times, I finally head down stairs.

"There she is" I hear my m chime.

I look up at the man who is standing closely to my mother. He has scruffy hair, with and untrimmed beard. His suit looks expensive. I notice someone standing beside him with his back towards me.

"Son don't be rude" the man strongly says.

His son turns around, he gives me a warm smile before sicking out his hand. I kindly shack his hand, as I try to pull my hand out of his hold he brings my hand up to his lips and he slightly kisses it.

"The lovely London, I'm Jacob" I nod politely

"So you must be Dale" I say looking over to the man beside my mom.

"That I am, and it seems that dress fits perfectly" he smiles at me. He smile frightens me.

Jacob opens the door for me as I walk out I notice Harry getting out of his car wearing a tux. I give everyone a polite smile before storming over to him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask him. He keeps his eyes straight not looking at me.

He grabs my he and in his as he pulls me back towards my mom and he fiancée.

"Mrs. Scott do you mind if I join guys on this lovely family dinner, since I'm sorta family?" he questions raising a brow at my mother.

They have this stare down before a evil smile spreads across her face. "I would love for you too" she mutters.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now