Chapter 13 - Home?

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Sitting in the backseat with Harry holding onto my hand tightly, i cant help but safe and secure.  I look over beside me to see Harry fast asleep, his eyebrows frown.  I wonder what he is dreaming about. 

"London, you're lucky you have Harry" Liam speaks up.

"Yeah, i guess i am." 

"I have one question. what is up with that with your dad's wife Lucy?" he asks. 

"What do you mean?" i question. 

"Like, she seems strange to me.  I don't know how to explain it, i just have a bad feeling about her" he mutters. 

"Liam, she is a good person, i promise" i reassure him. 

He gives me a little nod before focusing back to the road.  The car soon returns to silence, i lay my head on Harry's shoulder and soon drift off into sleep.

"Princess this is Lucy. my new wife" my dad says pointing toward the lady behind him. 

I look out her, wondering if she was nicer then my mom or worse.  Dad signals her over, she slowly makes her way. When she approaches us, she bends down to my height. 

"London, its so nice to meet you" she says sticking out her hand.

I look at it wondering if she will try to hit me or does she want me to shake it. 

"I wouldn't bite" she giggles. 

I look up into her big brown eyes as they search my green ones.  I slowly stick my hand out to meet hers, she slowly shakes mine as a giant smile grows across her face. 

"Daddy can you take me to the park?" i ask hopping he will.

He looks at his wife and back to me, "Yeah, come on."

My dad takes my hand in his as we make our way to the park with Lucy. 

"Dammit, don't answer the phone Liam!" I hear Harry yell.

I open my eyes to see that we have pulled over somewhere, Harry looks frustrated and Liam seems to be scared. 

"He knows i betrayed him!" Liam says with fear clear in his voice. 

"Liam, pull your shit together! You knew he would find out sooner or later" Harry snaps. 

"Where the hell is NIall?" 

"What's going on?" i asks rubbing my eyes. 

"Nothing" Harry says not even looking at me. 

"Stop fucking lying to her" Liam snaps. 

"She doesn't need to worry so its nothing Liam!"

Liam sighs as he puts his head in his hands, i hate not knowing nothing.  Harry grabs the ringing phone and opens his door.  I look in shock as Liam raises his head,  His eyes go wide as Harry throws the phone onto the ground multiple times unto it stops ringing.

"What the hell styles?" Liam asks as Harry gets back in the car closing the door. 

"If we would have answered he would have tracked us and then we would all be fucking screwed."

"Fine, i need sleep. London can you drive?" Liam asks me

*Harry's POV*

I follow London's lead as she gets out of the car and moves to the driver side.  I sit in the passenger, I look ever at her as she concentrates on backing out of the parking lot Liam pulled into when he phone wouldn't stop ringing.  As soon as we get moving i hear soft snores come from the back which indicate Liam is asleep. 

"Lon, you haven't said anything since the kiss?" i finally say breaking the silence.

She glances over at me then back to the road.

"Harry, you don't know how long I've waited for you to kiss me" she says not looking at me, but the smile on her face seems to grow wider. 

"You don't know how long i've waited to do that" i say smiling. 

She glances over at me and then back to the road, I'm so happy that i finally kissed her but i wish everything wasnt as screwed up as it is now. I direct her to turn left and i notice an airport come into view.  

"Liam, wake up!" i yell, as i turn around in my seat. 

"Where are we?" he asks.

"The airport."

He nods as he sits upright in the backseat, i tell London to park in the far parking lot.  

"There's Louis' car" Liam speaks up, as we pull in beside it.

As the car comes to a complete stop, Liam jumps out and starts to talk to Louis.  I notice London get out as she hugs Niall.  Is this a good idea? Is taking London out of the country a good idea?  If i leave her here Dale will find her and who knows what will happen to her, it would be my fault for not sticking to my word. I promised myself and Jamie i would protect her and that's what I'm going to do no matter what.  In the dark parking lot a notice a black car pull in, i know that car anywhere.  Fuck.

"Niall, take London into the airport. NOW" i yell, as i open my door and step out of the vehicle. 

He nods and pulls London into the airport, i watch and make sure they are in complete safety.  The car pulls up in front of Louis', i watch as Josh steps out of the vehicle. 

"Harry, you've made a bad choice" he mutters as a smirk grows on his face. 

"I should've done this a long time ago" i mumble.

He looks at me then to Zayn.  "Zayn i thought you were smarter then this.  Dale has treated you like a son, and you've betrayed him."

"Harry and London are more important them Dale and his gang of puppets" Louis speaks up. 

Josh starts walking towards us, i notice the gun peeking out of his jacket pocket. He slowly grabs it and points it directly at me. 

"Sorry mate, the boss told me you had to go" he says with an evil smirk.


I glance over and see London running, Niall isn't close behind her. 

"Niall i told you to take her in the airport" i shout.

"She told me she was going to the bathroom, but when she started for the door i ran after her."

"London, go back inside" i yell.

"I'm not leaving you" she yells back.

"Dammit London" i mutter as i run my hand through my hair with frustration. 

I look back at Josh who stares blankly at London and then his gazes turns back to me.

"So this is the special London i've heard about" his evil smile gets wider as he looks at her.

He looks at me one last time before turning the gun towards London.  "Dale will be so happy to hear i killed the one thing that means the world to Harry."

London stands frozen as she looks at him then me, the sound of a gun going off frightens me. I watch in disbelief as they fall to the ground.

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