Chapter 29 - Broken Dreams

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*Harry's POV*

Is what Louis is saying true. I watch as he tells Sam he will call her later. London and Niall? No, he can't be that dumb and she would never do that to me. Would she?

"Is what you said true?" I question.

He nods his head as he gets off the couch.

"It couldn't be she hasn't had sex since James rapped her."

"I saw her leaving Niall's room, he kissed her. Harry I'm sorry" he states.

This is bullshit, she couldn't no she wouldn't do that to me not after everything we've been through. When she called me upstairs she told me Louis was acting strange, he was talking about gibberish earlier. Maybe this is what she was talking about.

"Actually Im sorry that you will waste your time making up this bullshit" I snap.

"Harry I saw it with my own eyes. Think straight here! Is she the same London that she was when you brought her here?" he questions.

He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Everyone has changed in some way. I'm just can believe he would make up some shit like this to make me turn on her.

"You are fucking crazy! Get your damn nose out of my business and keep it in your own! I thought you were better than the make up so stupid shit!" I yell.

I head back upstairs not really wanting to hear anymore bullshit that make come out of his mouth. Walking into London's room I see her looking through the beside table.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

She jumps at the sound of my voice. "Harry god you scared me" She mutter holding her hand to her chest. 


I walk to the dresser noticing a shirt that looks familiar laying there.  Trying to remember where i seen it before.  

Fuck.  That's Niall shirt, maybe what Louis told me was true.  

I strip from my pants and my shirt before walking towards the bed.  Pulling the back the blankets i lay beside her, laying my arm over her waist i pull her closer to me.  She turns around in my arms, looking into her green eyes i feel all the pain and bad thoughts of her cheating on me simply fade away. She snuggles up against my chest as i hold her closer to me, the image of Niall holding her the way i am sickens me.  Just the idea of them together sickens me.  I rub my hand up and down her back until i hear faint snores escape from her pefect lips.  Closing my eyes i try to understand what Jordan told me when i barged into his house.  What he said was confusing at first but now it makes sense. 

 "James where the hell is Jordan?" i yell as i bust through the front door. 

"In his room, why are you here Harry?" James questions as i make my way to the room where i first talk to Jordan in. 

"Harry my boy, i knew you would show up soon" Jordan's raspy voice speaks up as i open the door. 

James looks to his uncle before closing the door and leaving us alone.  I take a seat on the floor in front of him, ready to see if he can give me some insight. 

"Who is this person i have to worry about?"  

"My boy you shouldn't be here, something is going on at you home that you need to know" he lightly speaks. 

"Niall is pissed at me i know that, and nothing is going on at home just everyone waiting to yell at me again." I state rolling my eyes. 

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now