Chapter 6 - The Almost Kiss

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When I finally found the first aid kit I headed back towards Harry. He was seated on the couch, holding his phone in his hands, looking focused. I strolled in walking over and taking the seat beside him. He doesn't move or say anything, i grab his phone and place it on the table.

"Hey" Harry wines,

"You can text them back in a minute when i finsh cleaning up your wounds."

He nods and turns towards me. I'm happy i grabbed a wet cloth before coming back out here. I wipe the damp rag across his face, he winces as i clear the dried blood from around his eye. I

"Damn it that hurts" he snaps as he pulls away.

"Harry stop, if you keep moving it will hurt worse." 

I grab his face and pull it's closer to me so I can see his cut more clearly. I feel his eyes gazing at me as I try focussing on his cut. I feel his hand grab the rag from mine. I look into his emerald eyes, which are breath taking. 

"London" Harry whispers as his hand moves up to my cheek. 

The pad of his thumb caress my cheek, I have a feeling that all my dreams are going to become reality. My heart beak quickens as Harry starts to close the distance between us. I feel his hot breath fan my face as his lips barely touch mine. 

"He- wow sorry" I hear Lucy say. 

I pull away from Harry as a blush creeps on to my face. My dad walks in, stopping right in front of me. 

"What was going on in here?" he questions. 

I look up at him and I see is glaring at Harry. 

"Nothing dad, I was just cleaning up Harry's cuts" I whisper feeling embarrassed.

"That better be all" he snaps before walking towards the kitchen.

*Harry's POV* 

Damn I was so close, but why the hell did her dad have to come home. I look over at her and see the redness in her cheeks stay the same shade as she grabs my hand and the first aid kit and pulls me down the hall towards the bathroom. I watch her very closely as she gets the brown bottle and pours so liquid on a cotton ball. She walks up to me pushing me down to set on the side of the tub. 

"What is that?" I question before she steps in front of me. 

She says nothing, she just looks at me. 

"What is - dammit" I yell as she presses the cotton ball on the cut above my eye.

She dabs a dry rag on it and puts what looks like to be some cream on it before placing a band aide. She smiles looking at me. I stand up being careful from where my damaged ribs are where Dale kicked me. 

Be more fucking careful! 

His words ring clear in my head. I'm so happy she hasn't asked what happened or questioned me at all, I'm a little shocked. I can't believe I was that dumb that night, I don't remember anything but wanting to be with London. 

"So I saw James today" she says as we enter he room. 

I tense up at the sound of his name coming from her mouth. Why the hell would he come back? Didn't he learn to leave her the fuck alone? 

"Door stays open!" her dad yells from the living room. 

"He so hates me" I say with a chuckle. 

But I wince as a sharp pain shoots up my ribs. 

"Harry stop trying to be funny! You're hurt really bad" she snaps looking at me. 

"Whatever you say nurse London." 

I see her roll her eyes before she gestures me to take a seat on her bed. I sit down carefully without hurting myself any further. 

"Harry take off your shirt" she says keeping her back towards me. 

"I like hearing that from you" I say smiling. 

She turns around and give me a little smile before picking up a pillow from her floor and throwing it towards my head. She misses me by a hair, she gives me another smile before turning back around looking at something on her phone. I raise my shirt over my head slowly, I toss it to the floor. 

"Okay done." 

She turns around and gasp at the sight of my beaten and bruised torso. She slowly walked over reaching out barely touching the big bruise on my ribs. I close my eyes in pain at the slight touch. 

"Harry, I think you need to go to the -"

"I'm not going to no damn doctor" I say through clenched teeth. 

"Fine" she mumbles. 

She gets up and heads to the door, what is she leavening me in her by myself? 

"Where are you going?" I ask, trying not to sound to much of a pussy but I failed and I don't care.

"I'm here, I can't stay in here with you. you might hurt yourself worse." she says looking at me. 

I know what she is about to do and I hate when she cries. I sit up in the bed holding my arms out for to come to me. She slowly walks towards the bed.

"I hate seeing you like this" she mumbles between sobs.

I pull her onto my lap and I rap my arms around her as she cries into my chest. 

It hurts like a bitch but I don't want her to know that when she is acting like this. 

"Lon, this is the last time you ever see me like this" I mutter holding her tighter to me. 

I promised myself as I barely made into my car that I would never let this happen again. I remembered this is all for her and I can't fail her now. 

"What happened?" she asks raising her head looking at me. 

"I got into a fight, like I said it wouldn't happen again" I reassure her. 

"Stay in here with me?" I question. She nods. 

She gets off my lap and lays down beside me in the bed. She keeps a good distant from me and I know she is afraid that something will happen but I don't care. I put my arm around her pulling her closer to me. 

"Night London" I whisper before kissing the too of her head. 

"Night Harry." 


I wake up in the morning to find London gone. The bright light that shines through the pale blue curtains blinds me as I try to adjust to the lighting. 

"Get your ass up" I hear her dad say. 

I look around the room and notice him standing by the door. 

"Mr. Scott?" I question confused by everything. 

"You phone has been ringing all morning so I decided to answer it and I hear the voice of my old good pal Dale" he says walking into the room. 

Fuck I knew I was forgetting something when I came to bed last night. 

"Why are you mixed up with a guy like Dale for Harry?" he questions. 

"Sir, I don't know what your are talking about" I answer slowly sitting up in the bed. 

"You know damn well! I know what Dale does!" he shouts. 

I look at him wide eyed worried that London is still in the houses. 

"Don't worry she it out with Lucy and Claire" he simply says. 

"Sir, I did to protect your daughter." 

"Harry, you love her I know but putting yourself at risk isn't keeping either if you safe and you lying to her isn't going to make this better!" 



"Oh I know and all I can say is that there is more to him then you know, I've been there!"

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now