Chapter 28 - This isnt a game

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*Harry's POV*

"That's enough Niall!"

I watch as Liam pulls Niall off of me, having a good feeling at while Niall jumped my ass when i walked. But as my eyes land on her i know that my feeling was right. I stare at Sarah, she seems frightened and scared. The hickey on her neck proves to why i just got my ass handed to me. I really dont blame him for doing so because i would do the same thing when it comes to London.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Liam yells. "You have London, you had no right going after Sarah."

"I was drunk!" i yell back.

"That's no damn excuse Harry, you knew what the hell you were doing but you did it anyways" Zayn speaks up.

Damn. Everyone is jumping on my back about this thing.

"It wasnt just his fault"

Fuck, Sarah better not saying anything.

"Your right its just not his fault. Its yours too" London speaks up.

I watch as she walks past everyone as she makes her way towards Sarah.

"London, I'm sorry." Sarah speaks up.

"Why didnt you stop him if you knew he was drunk?"

"I-I" Sarah begins to stutter.

This isnt going to be good.

"I trusted you as well as everyone else did, but you had to be with Harry didnt you?"

"I dont know what came over me, London im sorry" Sarah states.

I watch in disbelief as London's hand makes contact with Sarah's cheek. Everyone gasps at the sight, as long as ive known London she has never once hit anyone besides me. She storms off down the hallway not looking at anyone.

"I think its best if you leave" Sam states looking towards Sarah.

She nods her head before walking past me towards the door. I watch as she leaves then turn my attention back to everyone. Pushing past everyone heading to the Kitchen to get a rag so i can wipe the blood thats oozing from my nose.

"You had to fuck her didnt you?" Louis snaps.

"It wasnt like that."

"It usually is when this shit happens, what London wouldnt give you any so you had to find it somewhere else." He says with a chuckle.

The truth stings, more worse when someone else is speaking it. I keep my head.

"Damn thats what it is isnt it?" Zayn speaks up.

"Harold you are sick! You dont see me going to find some random girl to fuck since Perrie aint around now do you?" He questions.

"I need to talk to her" i mutter walking towards the hallway.

"No, you will only make everything worse. I'm going to go talk to her" Niall pipes up before he heads off down the hallway.

Dammit, i cant help but fuck everything up and now Niall will be the one to console her in her time of need.

"I'm leaving."

"If you fuck someone else don't come home!" Louis yells as i slam the door shut.

Walking towards the car i notice Sarah sitting in hers crying. Trying to not pay attention to her i hurry towards the my car.


"Sarah not in the mood just don't" i spat.

"How mad is Niall?" She ask.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now