Chapter 31 - The Reveal

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That night with Harry has crossed my mind for the past month now. Knowing how bad we both wanted it made every minute of it so much more pleasurable. Just knowing every night after that soon followed the same lead, not regretting it though. Knowing as I haven't been out of his sight for a month just makes my plan less understandable between Liam and I. Promising myself to keep a distance away from Niall as it is more obvious of me and Harry's engagement now. I raise my hand up looking at the ring that is placed in my finger. The day we went and picked this out was the most happiest time.

"Harry I don't need a ring" I trying pleading with him.

"I need to the world to know you are mine and mine only" he whispers into my ear.

Standing in front of the glass case, I feel speechless. Harry's arm secure around my waist as he lays his chin on my shoulder. I look at the beautiful rings, not knowing which one to choose.

"What about that one?" Harry questions as he points to a ring twice the size of my pinky.

"Not my style" I mutter as I keep looking.

Just thinking two weeks ago I was cheating on him with Niall. Here we are now buying an engagement ring. This is so confusing.

"I like that one, it's simple but elegant" I state.

"Good choice" the man behind the counter says.

He grabs the ring, slowing slipping it onto my finger I'm astonished at the perfect fit. Moving my hand side to side admiring the beautiful ring. Taking the ring off the man directs Harry to the side with the register. I admire his shape as he stands with his back towards me. If I don't go through with this plan then we could live happily but what about the lies and betrayal the haunts my dreams at night.

"A beautiful ring for a beautiful girl" he mutters to me as he slides the ring onto my finger.

His lips press against mine. It's only a short kiss but it means more to me then he knows. Seeing is after all this Dale, i will never feel his lips on mine.

"Let's go home so I can try to get use to what I have to look forward to every night as Mrs. Styles." I say low enough for Harry to hear me as I bring my bottom lip between my teeth.

"You will never get use to it baby, I can make you feel like you've never felt before" he whisper in my ear before kissing my cheek.

"You didn't!"

I turn around at the sound of Niall's voice. I've been trying to avoid him, but knowing that sometime or another I would have to face him.

"You going to marry the guy who has made your life hell?"he begins to yell.

I stay quiet not really wanting to talk about this.

"Answer me!"

"I love him Niall!" I blurt out.

"Love him? Ha that's funny Lon" he says as a chuckle escapes his lips.

Those lips where the cause of so much pleasure but no they mean nothing to me. Oh my god...i am like my mother.

"What about what we had?" he questions.

I hear his bare feet against the tiles as he walks closer to me. His hands wrap around my waist. I feel his hot breath fan over my cheek.

"Remember all the good times we had in my room?"

"Meant nothing to me!" I snap wiggling out if his grip.

"Don't fucking lie to yourself! If you loved him why do what you have planned on doing?" he fires back.

He has a point. Why do what I have planned, I just don't think I can not now.

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now