Chapter 16 - California

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*Niall's POV*

I glance over at London as she talks to Harry. Her beautiful brown hair falls perfectly to her shoulders. Her laugh fills the area of the plane. My smile grows wider as she lays her head on Harry's shoulder. Her beauty is breath taking but expressioning my feelings towards her would make everything awkward. Also, Harry might beat the fuck out of me if he ever found out. I remember when he first talk about her and the way he told me about James his words replay in my head.

"No one hurts my London!"

Seeing the pain in his eyes as he discussed the hurt her face held after James got his way. I just feel sorry for anyone who tries to take London away from him. Having a crush on your best mates girl is the worst feeling ever.

"Niall, you okay?" I hear London ask.

I look in her bright green eyes, why does such a girl as beautiful as her has to be taken already?

"Yeah, just a little tired" I lie.

She gives me a little smile before looking back to Harry. The way she looks at him I just hope one day some girl will look at me the same way, with pure joy and love.

"Aliens don't exist!" I hear Louis shout.

*Louis' POV*

This damn old man has been on my last nerve ever since the first flight. Is he fucking following me? I rather sit beside Harry and London who can't keep there hands off each then a damn old man who thinks aliens have taken over everything. I sigh putting me head in my hands.

"Son?" the old man asks.

"I'm not your son and my name is Louis for the hundredth time" I snap, rubbing my temples.

"Louis, can your mate breathe?"

"Huh?" I ask raising my head.

I look to where is pointing and just as I thought he is pointing at Harry.

"His trousers seem pretty tight" he mutters.

"Yeah, he can breathe hopefully" I say with a chuckle.

He stays quiet as he watches Harry. I notice Harry and London trying to figure out where they left off last time durning the flight. He reaches to pick her up out of her seat but by his face reaction she declined. I can't help but laugh.

"Rejected!" I shout towards him.

He turns towards me and flips me off before turning back to a red faced London.

"You have a special lady?" the old man asks.

I look over at him, his blue eyes the same shade as mine. I shake my head knowing that my last relationship ended in an awful way. Ever since that day I've wanted to have my revenge on Dale but never had the chance until now.

"Why not? You're a strapping young man. You should be fighting the girls off" he says nudging my shoulder.

"My last relationship ended awfully and I'm afraid it might happen again" I mutter looking down.

"She cheat on ya?" he asks.

Man he is a nosy person, but maybe talking about it is a good idea. It's been two years.

"No" I say taking a deep breath. "She was murdered."

The old man stops before looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"Listen I don't want your damn sympathy okay, everything is fine it happen two years ago" I snap.

"Louis I'm sorry I lost my wife 5 years ago, and I miss her dearly" he says reaching into his pocket pulling out his wallet. "Her name was Georgia, cancer came in a took her away."

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now