Chapter 18 - The Adventure Begins

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*Louis' POV*

Finally being able to open my eyes, i feel a sharp pain.  I look down to see my arm in a sling and my shoulder wrapped up. 

"What the hell happened?" i speak out loud. 

Not remembering anything for the earlier events.  I close my eyes hoping that some memory will come back, nothing.  The door opens revealing Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn and London.  The all smile at me as the enter the room. 

"Thank god you are okay" London says walking over to me. 

"Lou do you remember anything?" Liam asks.

I shake my head, wondering if the can help enlighten me. 

"You were shot" Niall speaks up.

"Well i would have never thought.  Maybe i wanted to come into a hospital for fun, and I'm guessing the throbbing pain in my shoulder wouldn't help give that away" i say rolling my eyes.

"Seems like his sass never seems to fade" Harry say with a chuckle.

"Who shot me?" 

"Luke." Zayn whispers. 

The prick tried to kill me, he better be thankful that I'm in this fucking hospital or i would hunt his ass down.  

"I had him, then Harry let him go" Zayn adds. 

"You let that fucker go, what the hell is wrong with you?" i snap.

He had him and then he let him get by with trying to kill me, so best mate he is.

"Would you rather me kill him or you?" he asks.

"Me, he needs to pay" i say trying to raise out of the bed. 

"Not so fast Mr. Tomlinson" i beautiful girl says walking into the room. 

I'm guessing by her attire she would happen to be my nurse. Her brown hair sways as she walks towards me, her blue eyes shine as she looks at me then to my damaged shoulder. She slightly touches it and wince in pain. 

"Sorry" she mumbles as tends to the wound. 

I watch her as she concentrates, her cheeks turn a deep red as i keeping looking at her. 

"Seems like Louis is in good care" i hear Harry say, i can sense the smirk in his voice. 

I raise up my good hand and flip him off, i hear everyone bust out into laughter. The nurse stops and looks at me before heading towards the door. 


"Call me Sam" she says before walking out giving me a little smile. 

I cant help the smile that spreads across my face, her beauty was breath taking.  

 "Harry, when i get out of here teach me how to aim?" i ask. 

"You got it" he says giving me a reassuring smile.

The stay and talk for awhile, discussing on what to do with Dale and how Harry had a little chat with James.  I was shocked Harry didn't beat his ass like before but hearing what he told him makes sense to why he didn't.  London stays extra quiet as she looks out the window. 

"Lon you okay?" i ask.

"Huh? Yeah, Yeah I'm fine" she says as she tries to force a smile. 

We all look at her knowing that something is bugging her but she says nothing as she keeps her eyes out the window. 

"So Lou looks like you will have a roommate" Niall says gesturing to the bed beside me. 

"I guess so, but it sucks that i get out tomorrow.  I would do anything to stay in her longer."

"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now