Chapter 9 - Death...

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Seeing Harry walk away leaving me to deal with my mother and everyone else, i just feel lost.  I watch the car Jacob and him got in speed off out of the parking lot and down the road.  My mom grabs my wrist and pulls me inside the resturant. I take the seat where Harry was once seated, i look up at Niall who gives me a little smile before asking my mom about how her and Dale met. I totaly ignore the converstaion and think about where Harry went and why did Jacob go with? Dinner goes on as i guess Dale planned, i think Harry instructed Niall to answer for me when Dale asks me a question.  I'm now thankful for it becuase he kinda scares me.  I just want to get this dinner over with, and go home.  I notice my phone vibrating, i pull it out of my purse.  I see Lucy's name flash on the screen.

"Hey Lucy" i say looking up making sure mom isnt looking at me. 

"Oh London, something awful has happened" i hear her sob. 

"Is everything ok?"

"Honey its your father" I hear the panic in her voice as she tries to exactly tell me what happened to him. 

"London, everything okay?" Niall asks, looking at my with worry in his eyes. 

'Come to the hosptial London!" she yells before hanging up.  

What happened? I look and notice Dale and my mom looking at me.  

"I have to go" i mutter standing up. 

"Niall take her where she wants to go" Dale speaks up.

Niall nods before he stands up walking to dale grabbing the keys.  He starts walking towards the door and i follow quickly behind him.  My mind keeps going back to my dad holding me when i was little, him calling me his princess every time he looked at me.  I just have a feeling that today was the last time i would ever see him.  Niall doesnt say anything as he drives me to the nearest hospital.  I cant help but pray that he is ok, and he will be waiting for me when i walk in his room.  Before he can fully stop the care i jump out, rushing to through the main doors i notice Lucy pacing the floor while Claire sleeps in a chair. 

"London!" she shouts as she walks towards me. 

She embraces me in a tight hug as she begins to cry, i wrap my arms around her while i try to stop myself from crying. 

"What happened?" i ask.

"He is in emergancy surgery" she says faintly.  

"London, im going to go but here is my number call me when if you need anything" Niall chimes in.  


"No promblem" he says with a sweet smile. 

I walk over to the chairs across from where Claire is quietly sleeping.  Lucy looks up at me, her big brown eyes are puffy and red from all the crying.  She opens her mouth to say something. 

"Mrs. Scott?" a doctor cuts in.  

She stands up walking up to him, i watch as he explains what i guess was the surgery.

"No!" she screams as she falls to the floor crying. 

"I'm so sorry ma'am" he says before walking off.

*Harry's POV*

I sit in the car wondering what the hell did i just do?  The way he looked at me, the way he pleaded me not to and he would help me get away from Dale.  I closed my eyes shaking my head trying to get the image out of my head.  

"Harry why the hell did you call 911?" Jacob yells at me as he gets in the car after going to a near by bathroom. 

"I dont know" i mutter leaning my head against the steering wheel. 

"Dude its because of London isn't it?"

I dont know if it is or not, but all i thought about when i looked at him was her.  The way she cried when he left and the way her eyes lit up when he would come pick her up from school.

"She seems like a bitch anyways" he mutters.

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and slam his head against the window. "Dont you dare call her that again! Do you understand?" I yell through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, yeah" he mumbles. 

I slowly let him go, as i look at my hands i notice that they still have blood on them.  I pull out of the random parking lot and start to drive north, which leads out of town.  

"Where are you going Harry?" Jacob questions. 

"Far away from here" i mutter as press on the gas.

My mind keeps replaying what happened only minutes ago.

"Harry what are you doing?" Jamie questions as i walk closer to him.

"Jamie, I'm sorry" i whisper.

"you dont have to do this" he fires back. "London will be fine, Dale wouldnt touch her, Harry just put the gun down."

Should i do this? I look at him then at the gun in my hand, is this a good idea? 

"Don't listen to him, you know dale wants london! He wants her the same way he has her mom." Jacob shouts.

I watch as Jacob pushes Jamie to the ground, his fist makes contact with Jamie's face over and over again. 

"Harry do it!" Jacob yells. "Shoot him!"

I walk closer to him holding the gun directly at his head, staring into his eyes which are the same shade of green as London's.  London, what would she think when she finds out her best friend killed her dad? 

"Harry please" Jamie begs. 

"I'm sorry, i need to protect her" i mutter. 

I close my eyes, gribbing the gun tighter.  I lightly pull the triger, opening my eyes i look a see Jamie laying there helpless.  The blood gushes from his head wound as he lays there not moving.  I fall to my knees in fornt of him, dropping the gun.  I move closer to him taking off my shirt wrapping it around his head trying to stop the blood, but it doesnt seem to help. 

"Harry, we have to go" Jacob yells pulling on my arm. 

He grabs my shirt from my hands, as well as the gun off the ground before running back towards the car.  He grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet and towards the car, i look back glancing at Jamie's lifeless body.  I know he will live if i call 911.  As i reach the car i pull out my phone and dial 911. 

"Hello, whats your emergency?" a voice chimes. 

"There is a man with a gun shot to the head on 21 avenue" with that i hang up, hoping that he will live through this. 

"Harry watch out!" Jacob yells, as he snaps me back into reality. 

All that i can see is flashing lights and a faint voice saying "He's alive!"

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