Chapter 10

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'Hyung! Hyung, wake up! You can't die! You have to wake up!'

Who is that?


Jiminie... It's Jiminie...

'Please, wake up. What are you doing? We haven't even gone out to hang yet. We promised you remember? Wake up! I don't care, you have to wake up!'

Jiminie's crying...

'Stop joking around, Tae! It's not funny. Wake up! You can't be dead! We promised! Let us keep that promise for once... So you can't die!'

Huh? Am I dead?
I'm sorry, Jiminie... Kookie... I can't move at all. I have no energy.
I'm sorry...
I'm really sorry...

'Kim Taehyung!' Jimin's voice boomed with so much sorrow that it hurt Taehyung to succumb to a new form of darkness and leave his best friend all alone. To leave BTS alone.

But what can he possibly do? He was being engulfed by something so absolute and scary. Something like death. No. It was death. He can't fight against that. He just can't.

I'm sorry...

'Please...' Jimin plead, tone tinted with desperation, sadness and fear. 'Please!'

He sounds so sad... But I don't have energy... I can't fight anymore... I'm tired... I can't- No... I shouldn't give up... They're pleading for me so I shouldn't give up... For them... I have to fight for them!

A beep.

A small beep.

That was all it took.

Out of all the chaos inside their minds, the machine connected to Taehyung gave a small beep then another until it consecutively started sprouting to a sign of life.

The crying had stopped, tears paused, eyes grown wide and mouth agape in mixed emotions, all at once. Even the doctors and the nurses were frozen in place for a few seconds before they managed to grasp the situation.

They checked his vitals, took a sample of his blood and even tried to see if he'd wake up.

All the while the world had stopped for the boys.

Everyone was thankful. So relieved. Their pleas and prayers were answered.

But behind that relief, was fear of the unknown.

Again and again, they are reminded how a life can end so easily, without a warning or a hint. Again and again, they are reminded of how they had treated their precious Tae before the whole of... this.

What if Taehyung survives now then die the next time his heart stops? If Taehyung dies, they would never know how to deal with themselves. They aren't so sure how they would be like when that happens either. All they know for sure is that they will never be the same ever again.

What if Taehyung survives now but never wake up? What if he stays on life support for a long time and they have to pull the plug off of him?

They couldn't bare that thought. They couldn't bare anything that had got to do with death at all. But everytime a question pops up, it always (always) ends with death.

That was proven with Taehyung dead and unresponsive. For six minutes he was dead. But he came back to them.

Taehyung came back to them.

When all hope was lost, and their world started to crumble, Taehyung came back to be their light again.

Taehyung's alive!

That had got to mean something, right? That had got to be hope.

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