Chapter 27

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When Taehyung's trembling ceased, J-Hope decided to play his role; being the happy virus of the group. He needed to get everybody's mind off of worries, concerns and fears to keep them in check.

He was successfull.

In just fifteen minutes, he completely and miraculously changed the atmosphere from negative to cheery.

Before long, they were joking around with each other, occasionally bringing up good memories from the past.

Such an environment brought something significantly intangible into the room; Taehyung's precious laughter.

It hurt to laugh. But Taehyung thought, even breathing hurt so what the hell?

To Taehyung, it was nice to see his members smile and joke around with each other. To hear their voices and laughter. It was far greater than hearing that booming honk when he's asleep. Greater than seeing nothing but darkness. Greater than feeling nothing but fear, loneliness and sometimes nothing. So thank goodness his members were there when he wasn't taking a slumber. Because with them around, Taehyung is pulled back to reality. To the gift of being alive. To the awesome feeling of happiness, joy and love. To the fact that he survived.

"Alright, boys!" the manager suddenly stood. "Remember what we talked about?" He continued suggestively.

"What?" Yoongi asked, confused.

"You promised to go home, remember?"

The six of them groaned, making Taehyung laugh.

"But hyung just woke up," Jungkook reasoned, whining.

"That was two hours ago," his manager bit back, a smirk on his face.

Taehyung was surprised. Two hours have passed?

Time seemed to be faster with his members around.

Namjoon was ready to try and argue but sensing it, their manager continued.

"Taehyung needs to rest. Look at him," he pointed to the boy. "He looks half asleep."

"It's the medicine!" Taehyung defended. "I just woke up yet I'm sleepy already! It's not my fault."

Somehow, the boy's complaint brought another round of laughter into the room.

Taehyung didn't want them to go. He didn't want them to leave him alone in that room. Alone with his thoughts. He needed them now more than ever.

However, taking a quick glance at how his members looked like- all haggard and sleep deprived, he knew he had to let them go. They needed sleep. Proper sleep at that. They need to be healthy. Staying there in that room with him all the time wasn't at all healthy. It was boring and unproductive.

Taehyung was aware that they hadn't left the hospital since his accident. And that was like what? Two weeks ago?

He knew they needed to get away from that place for a while. For their sake, he needed to let them go.

Without a second thought, and without thinking about how scared he'd be later, he uttered words in their manager's favor.

"I'll be fine though. You guys should listen to manager hyung," Taehyung insisted, a genuine smile on his lips.

The boys looked at Taehyung in disbelief.

J-Hope let out an exaggerated gasp.

"And here I thought you want us here!" he went so far as placing a hand on his chest to fake hurt.

Taehyung giggled in between his wincing. Damn it hurt to giggle too!

"But hyung-" Jungkook was about to protest when Taehyung stopped him.

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