Sorry not sorry =}

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{ Dear my lovely readers,
Know that I love you guys so much. So please don't hate me too much for this.
I wish it's April so that I have the excuse of April Fool's Day. But it's not. And I don't have any excuses. If you think your heart can't take it, please proceed to the next actual chapter. But if you decide to be brave, and if it'll make you feel any better, I cried too when I was writing this.
Love, KezLois~ }

The boys enthusiastically alighted the bus and walked the short distance to the hospital.

That morning, when they first stepped out of the hospital, it was sunny and all bright. However, right then, when the day's about to end and they were on their way back to the hospital, grey clouds loomed above them.

They paid no attention to it though. Nothing can bring their excitement down. The excitement of seeing Tae again.

With a little skip to their steps, laughter accompanying them and a huge smile across their faces, they strolled down the path joking around with each other.

It started pouring down heavily, as if the skies were crying for someone.

The sudden change in weather brought something ominous but the boys waved it off.

They ran the remaining distance to the hospital, laughing at each other as they got soaked.

The hospital lobby was busy as usual.

The boys knew their way- up to the point where they knew every emergency exits and lifts they could go through to get to Taehyung's room.

They took the fastest way of course; the lift, as the feeling of urgency and excitement washed over them.

They brought Taehyung's favourite stuff toy along so they couldn't wait to see his reaction; that boxy grin of his and the sound of his giggle (even though it sounded pained nowadays). They just want the boy to be happy and cheerful.

The lift took its time. Maybe it was just the strong desire to see the boy that made the journey up the building longer than usual.


The door opened.

Humming to themselves, they piled out and started making their way to their destination.

"You think he's awake by now?" Jin asked.

"I hope so," Namjoon replied, a soft smile on his face.

"Taehyung hyung would rejoice once he sees the movies we brought," Jungkook chuckled at the imagination.

Jimin chuckled too, bringing a smile on Yoongi and J-Hope's faces. Of course their maknaes have to be adorable dorks!

However, all that changed. The innocent and oblivious smile dropped into a frown of confusion and fear. Gone was the excitement they felt just a millisecond ago and was replaced with the familiar fear of the unknown.

Confused and desperate was what they felt when they saw nurses rushing into what they knew was Taehyung's room.

Their hearts dropped and their legs became wobbly. Despite that, they forced themselves to move forward until they could sprint towards Taehyung's room.

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