"Aniyo. It's just a nightmare. It's nothing really."
All the hope that built up inside of them were crushed, replaced with so much anger.
Anger towards who? They couldn't pinpoint it but they were definitely furious.
Days, more than they could tolerate, was spent holding themselves back from asking questions. Demanding them. Especially when the boy would wake up screaming and crying and they had no ways of taking away his pain.
And now that they thought Taehyung was finally going to tell them what the heck had been going on in his nightmares and brain, he'd refuse them and speak as if all his hardships and all their efforts were nothing.
What angered them the most was the look in Taehyung's eyes when he said those words. As if he wasn't worth their time and their love and care for him. Like he was a burden when he clearly wasn't. Taehyung is anything but a burden to them!
With that much anger bubbling inside, Yoongi was the one to snap first.
"Bullshit!" he yelled, making Taehyung flinch.
As much as that small movement caused a pain that surged throughout Taehyung's body, he cared more about the fact that Yoongi just yelled at him.
No matter how annoyed or angry Yoongi got, he had never yelled at Taehyung before.
And now that he did, it scared Taehyung.
"I know fully well that that's not nothing, Kim Taehyung! And you sure as hell do. What the f*** are you doing? Are you making fun of me? Of us?!"
"No, I'm n-"
"Bullcrap!" Yoongi interrupted the second maknae with another shout. "Who do you think we are? How do you see us, Taehyung? Oblivious people who couldn't know better?"
Taehyung's eyes widened. "No. That's n-"
"Yes, Taehyung. That's exactly it!"
Yoongi's voice was getting louder and it was making Taehyung visibly scared.
"Yoongi," Jin warned.
"No, hyung! He needs to hear this now! He's clearly killing himself! No matter how much we take care of him, how much we try to show him that we genuinely care and love him, he'd never see it! And no matter how much we wait, he's clearly not going to open his mouth so we're just wasting our time!"
'No! You're getting this wrong... I never... You don't understand... You don't understand at all!'
Yoongi diverted his icy glare back at Taehyung who now had tears rolling down his eyes.
Taehyung's mind was stirring terrifyingly fast and it frightened him.
What was his hyung saying? He knows they love him! Why would he say that?!
"You don't understand, Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung shouted back. "You don't understand at all!"
"Kim Taehyung!" Jin scolded.
Taehyung had never shouted at them before. Especially not someone older than him.
"How the f*** can anyone understand, huh?! You wouldn't tell us a single shit! We gave you time! We gave you space! But it's clear to me now that you would never open that damn mouth of yours! You think we're happy to see you like this? To see you like shit?! Huh!?" Yoongi continued.
"What do you want me to do?! It's not my fault the car I was in got struck by a truck! You think I wanted that to happen?! You think I wanted to be like this?!" Taehyung shouted back.

His Boxy Smiles
FanfictionSometimes, people need to learn the hard way not to take people for granted. Especially when that person is someone as important as Taehyung to BTS. {~I'm skipping prologue guys~} (Not edited)