Chapter 26

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He was surrounded by darkness again.
The darkness he grew familiar with by now.
It was familiar yet somehow, every time his sleep brings him to that place, he'd ask the same questions; where am I? What's this place?

Then something shifted, like a change in time and space. With all that darkness around him, it bothered him how he knew or felt that shift happen.

Something tingled on his side. Something numb and irritating.
He waited for the tingling to subside but it doesn't. It grew big and uncertain, turning to an unbearable pain.

He screamed but nothing came out of his mouth. He tried to move but he felt paralyzed.

He'd rather he felt nothing at all. He wanted to feel numb. It was so painful that he'd rather be numb!

Thump thump thump

He could hear his own heart beating.

Thump Thump Thump

He could hear it- heck, he could feel it slowing down.

What caused so much pain? It hurts... What caused so much pain? Someone... Please! Make it stop! It hurts!

It all came back to him; the green light, the screeching tires, that damned truck and its head lights.

He tried to breathe but couldn't.

He remembered his excitement to reach home to his members. His anticipation. He even remembered just how he felt when he'd received those text messages from them. He was elated. Was.

His stomach lurched. He knew what was going to come next.

That truck. Its headlights were so bright it blinded him. He would have cowered away from it if only it wasn't moving towards him with unimaginable speed.



That's what had happened. That was what was causing him so much pain. That was what made everything hurt.

Thump thump thump thump

There it was again- the sound of his heart.


Everything stopped. The pain. The noises. The flashbacks- images. Everything just stopped. It was just the cloak of death wrapped around him. It wasn't even cold. He didn't feel cold. Or warm. He felt nothing.

Everything was still.

Everything was quiet.

Everything was dead.

He was dead.

Their manager came in in the morning, pulling the boys out of their sleep and persuading them to go back to their dorm.

However, the boys refused. Yes, the idea sounded great but they promised Taehyung they'd be there when he wakes up. Also, they feared something might go wrong when they leave the boy alone. It's going to take a long time to get rid of that fear in their opinion.

And so they stayed. The manager stayed too, making them promise that they'd leave once Taehyung wakes up to get some proper sleep back at their dorm.

They were munching on the breakfast their manager brought along with him when Taehyung let out a gasp as he fluttered his eyes open, as if in panic.

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