Chapter 64

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Taehyung was clearly excited- if the little bounce to his steps and the splitting boxy grin on his lips weren't enough to hint it.

He was finally going to be discharged from the hospital- with the promise of weekly check-ups until deemed unnecessary, of course- so who could really blame him if he couldn't contain his excitement?

He couldn't wait to be back home, to finally sleep in his own bed, eat at their dining table, eat more of his Jin hyung's cooking and do all the things he used to do with his hyungs, best friend and dongsaeng like, play video games with Jungkook and Jimin (and occasionally, the others), have movie nights with everyone camped in their living room, and group talks that bring back memories- both good and bad. Of course, he wasn't allowed to go back to work just yet. He had a lot of catching up to do but for now, he was just happy he could be back at the dorm with everyone else.

With much enthusiasm and help from both Jimin and Hoseok, Taehyung quickly changed out of his hospital gown and into his own casual clothes.

Sejin hyung-nim was already waiting by the door by the time he was all set to go. He had gone and already settled the papers and gotten Taehyung's prescriptions for him so the only thing left to do was to go, go, go.

Without waiting for his members to finish packing his things, he grabbed as much of the soft toys they sent him all those weeks ago, and practically left them behind, zooming past the door.

As he marched off to where he knew the elevator was located, he made sure to greet every face he came across- even those unfamiliar to him- thanking them for their friendly service and the hospitality they have shown to him and his friends for the past three months. Following closely behind him was Sejin (who had taken it upon himself to make sure that Taehyung doesn't somehow get himself lost or in trouble when he decided to leave the others behind for mirth), echoing some of the younger's words and pitching in his own to express his utmost gratitude.

Along the way, the two ran into Mrs Woo who was unquestionably teary-eyed at the fact that Taehyung was finally being discharged. She had been taking care of the younger the most throughout his whole stay there and he had undeniably grew a special place in her heart.

Together with Dr Lee, she had watched Taehyung go through every struggle, every hurdle and every hurt thrown his way- and he came out victorious, even coming out stronger in the end. She couldn't be any more proud of him, so she didn't hold back in expressing that; hugging him tightly, pinching his cheeks, washing him with every praise that was all deserving, and she didn't hold back her tears of joy.

Taehyung accepted them all- almost crying, himself, but he figured that Mrs Woo had seen enough of those. He gave her his widest, most sweetest of smiles instead, because no words could possibly express his gratitude. He would never forget her and Dr Lee because they were there for him when no one could be- not just because it was their job. They did more than what was required of a nurse and a doctor. They created a special kind of bond with him.

"Don't ever come back here, young man," Mrs Woo warned, almost threatening, as Taehyung wiped her tears away. "At least not in this part of the hospital."

"Aww, but I was hoping to visit from time to time," he said cheekily, even pouting for show. It earned him a frown and a light hit on the chest, making him chuckle. "I can't promise anything but I'll try, Mrs Woo."

He hugged her one last time before continuing on his way, sensing that his members had probably finished packing (and tidying up the room to be kind because good heavens, they'd created a nest there) by then.

True enough, by the time Taehyung and Sejin had reached the end of the hall where the line of elevators were, footsteps and familiar voices could be heard hurrying after them.

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