Chapter 41

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{             Dear my Lovely readers,
You guys give me too much credit and love. Imma cry, I tell you! T.T For a record, I love you guys too <3<3<3 I seriously can't thank you guys enough for reading this. This might be too much to ask but please stay with me and this story until the very end (*sobs* Idw it to end).

Anyway, this Chapter's not much but I hope it gives enough fluff (tell me what you think ^^). The new cover is with credits to @SarahLoveBabe . Thank you dear for making me this piece of art! I appreciate it a lot!

Lots Love, KezLois }


The tide's starting to ease. With Taehyung awake and well, the things on their plate were reduced rather enormously. Don't get them wrong, Taehyung was not the problem. They were the problem. And they were going to fix that.

That's their top priority as they sat around Taehyung's bed after having received the news, surrounding the maknae who was still sick.

The plan was to show the boy that they're sorry for that night and for all the wrong things they've done to him long before the car accident.

It sounds like a great plan that would grant them easy access to normalcy sooner rather than later except that it isn't that easy.

It was J-Hope's golden master plan but when the other members looked to him for more details, asking him how that golden plan of his exactly worked, he came with a blank. It had no content. Just the main idea and desired outcome.

"He's not allowed visitors. But even if let's say, for instance, that we can see him, exactly how are we going to say sorry when we couldn't even apologise for rejecting him all those times before the accident?" Jin asked.

"We can't just barge in there and say 'Taehyung, we're sorry for venting out our frustrations at you. You know we didn't mean what we said. So let's go back to normal and be close again.' either," Yoongi added, sarcasm heavy in his tone.

"We've done a lot of things wrong so I think words wouldn't be anything meaningful if we don't show it in our actions," the leader piped in.

"Then how do you suggest we do it?" J-Hope challenged, an eyebrow raised.

Yoongi just shrugged.

"Namjoon?" Jin asked.

Then that's when everyone turned to their leader expectantly.

If anything, Namjoon should be the one with a lot of ideas and ways but right at that moment, he too, came with a blank.

As unusual as that, he just shrugged and the members didn't even bother asking why, too focused on thinking of ways to make it up to Taehyung.

Still in Taehyung's bed with Jimin and J-Hope still clinging to him like Koala bears, Jungkook blinked, nose red and eyes puffy from all the crying he did before.

"It doesn't have to be ostentatious. It can be from the simplest gestures that we can show him how we mean it when we say sorry. Taehyung hyung told me that before," Jungkook said in a voice so hoarse that it hurt to listen to him speak.

"He did?" J-Hope asked incredulously.

Everyone chuckled.

That didn't sound like something Taehyung would say but they know he did.

"TaeTae would be very offended you asked it like that, hyung," Jimin breathed in between his excessive chuckling.

"What kind of simple gestures?" Namjoon pressed when the laughter died down.

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