{ Dear my beloved readers,
I love you and my brain has failed me, but I love you, so please don't roast me and let me live to see BTS' next comeback (whenever that is- ISTG!!!). Truth be told, this chapter isn't even completed, it's supposed to be longer, but after the stunt I pulled on April Fools day, I've decided that no, I'm not completely a piece of shit, and so I cut what was supposed to be chapter 59 into two chapters instead. Yay me! So, I love you, even if I disappear back to my cave.
Love, KezLois~ }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hyung? Hyung.... Hyung!Taehyung bolted up from where he laid, sweating, trembling and petrified. He gasped for air, the heaving sending sharp-like pain through his stitch.
He closed his blood-shot eyes and opened them just as fast, sobbing in panic because he was struggling to breathe and yet the images still wouldn't leave him alone.
He was so tired. He didn't want to do this anymore. He should just die to make it easier.
Just let me die. Just stop breathing. It hurts. It hurts!!!
Then, like he's been underwater this whole time... "Tae?! Tae, breathe! I'm here. Hey, I'm right here, look at me," he was shocked to feel hands on both sides of his face, gentle yet shaking, and even more shocked to see Hoseok beside him. "Hey, hi," his hyung said thoughtlessly as their eyes met.
Hobi hyung...
Upon realising that he wasn't alone, the knots in Taehyung's chest loosened.
"Hyu-hyung," he sobbed wretchedly and Hoseok's face completely cracked in affliction like it hadn't already.
And before Taehyung could throw himself to his hyung, he was pulled with great urgency onto the older's chest, engulfing him with his warmth. That was how he broke completely in his hyung's arms.
"Shh," Hoseok shushed him soothingly, feeling his hyung carress the back of his head as well. "It's okay. Everything's okay. Hyung is here. I won't leave you."
Taehyung pressed his face harder against Hoseok's chest and he fisted the back of his shirt tightly until his fingers turned ghostly white.
"I'm here. I'm here. It's okay. You're okay," Hoseok climbed in beside him, careful and cautious of his body's condition.
Without much awareness, Taehyung found the two of them positioned more comfortably on the bed as he just cried. Hoseok let him cry until he fell asleep, all the while whispering sweet nothings against his ear and running his hands through his hair.
Taehyung jerked awake from the same nightmare an hour later, but this time, before panic could consume him whole, he was able to register the presence next to him. Hobi's warmth and scent toned down his anxiety by a great margin and all he did was let out a single whimper before the older was wide awake and alert, attending to him immediately like his life depended on it.
He comforted him, told him that everything will be alright and that he was there and would never leave. He wiped his tears away and hummed him back to sleep, only to be horrified awake two hours later.
It was his cycle of misery, something he had been relentlessly suffering through for days- no, weeks. It was exhausting. And belatedly, as he roughly stirred awake from the same nightmare the fourth time that night, he realised that maybe Hoseok shouldn't be there with him. To always see him (or anybody for that matter) jolt awake because of his thrashing and pathetic whimpering... it was hurting Taehyung far worse than it would have if he was all alone.

His Boxy Smiles
FanfictionSometimes, people need to learn the hard way not to take people for granted. Especially when that person is someone as important as Taehyung to BTS. {~I'm skipping prologue guys~} (Not edited)